33 Reviews. These publications (papers and books) were rated as Excellent. The reviews by an independent expert are published at the web-page of WorldCatalog, the largest global catalog. Topics: water resources, protection of water quality, nature conservation, biodiversity protection, water sustainability, biodiversity protection, water quality, water safety, environmental protection, ecology, detergents, surfactants, higher plants, invertebrates, bivalve mollusks, mussels, Mytilus, filter-feeders, ecosystem definition

33 Reviews of 33 top publications on environmental science. These publications ( papers and books) were rated as Excellent. The reviews by an independent expert are published at the web-page of WorldCatalog, the largest global catalog.
water resources, protection of water quality, nature conservation, biodiversity protection, water sustainability, biodiversity protection, water quality, water safety, environmental protection, ecology, detergents, surfactants, higher plants, invertebrates, bivalve mollusks, mussels, Mytilus, filter-feeders, ecosystem definition, environmental education, university education, improvement, modernization, biology, biological education, phytoremediation, polluted water, water purification, pollution,

33 reviews are available of these publications, many of these publications are online at ResearchGate:

New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis

Article Article, full text: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200577836_
A new review of this paper was published at WorldCatalog recently. The title of the review:
Modern, new ecosystem definition.   (about 2 hours ago)
The text of the review:
Modern, new ecosystem definition. This useful paper presents a new and modern ecosystem definition.  Ecosystem definition that is presented in this paper is discussed and commented, the new aspects of this definition are explained in this article. It is useful to many colleagues and students. Recommended.
Tags: ecology, ecosystem definition, environmental education, university education, improvement, modernization, biology, biological education;
More info on this publication:
This article was rated 'Excellent' at WorldCatalog (http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/09/33-reviews-these-publications-papers.html).
This paper was awarded a Diploma to certify its scientific value (at a scientific conference, July 1, 2014). The article was bookmarked by ResearchGate members.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200577836_New_definitions_of_the_concepts_and_terms_ecosystem_and_biogeocenosis ;

At World Catalog, the paper was reviewed and rated as excellent.
One of the previous reviews was titled:
New contemporary, modernized, improved ecosystem definition.
This is the text of the review of a WorldCat user and expert Professor K. (WorldCat user published moments ago) :
"In this excellent and useful article the author, a Fulbright Award recipient, formulated a new, contemporary, modernized, improved ecosystem definition. The new definition is free from many shortcomings of the traditional ecosystem definitions. The traditional definitions are outdated and self-contradictory.
This paper is very useful to scientists, professors, students. My strongest recommendations, I recommend this really outstanding and very useful paper to all. ..."
Abstract of the paper: Ostroumov S.A. New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2002 (March), Volume 383, p. 141-143. [MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online)]. In 1935, the term 'ecosystem' was coined by Prof. A. Tansley. In the 1940s, another important term 'biogeocoenosis' was introduced by Prof. V. N. Sukachev. Since that time, a significant amount of new facts was accumulated in ecology. It is necessary to revisit the formulation of the basic concepts and terms in ecology, including the two terms mentioned above. The author proposed some new variants of the definition of the two terms that (1) reflect the modern vision of the basics of ecology; and (2) avoid the vicious circle of using other terms that in turn request their definitions. The author realizes that the new variants of the terms cannot be ideal and some other variants of the definitions are also possible. 5 specific features of the proposed definition of ecosystem (see Table 1 in the paper). 8 specific features of the proposed definition of biogeocenosis, and 8 distinctions between the proposed definition and the classical definition by V.N. Sukachev (see Table 2 in the paper)].
DOI 10.1023/A:1015393924967;
Russian version of the paper: http://scipeople.ru/publication/66938/;
Russian version of the paper: New variants of the definitions of the concepts and terms 'ecosystem' and 'biogeocoenosis' - DAN. 2002. v383. No. 4. p.571-573.
Key terms and issues:
ecosystem, A. Tansley, biogeocoenosis, V. N. Sukachev, basic concepts and terms in ecology, basics of ecology, theoretical biology, fundamental concepts, trophic chains, modern conceptualization, populations, interorganismal interactions, levels of life systems, biotic-abiotic interactions, definition, how to define ecosystem;
What are the current (contemporary, modern, up-to-date, updated) definitions of "ecosystem" and "biogeocoenosis"? new approach, definitions and terms, modernization, updating, conceptual apparatus, ecology, modern vision, habitat, trophic structure, trophic levels, biocenose, biotope, community, history of science, functions of organisms, impact of organisms on environment, terrestrial, soil, water, systems, dynamics of communities,  succession, improving education, teaching ecology, environmental science, interactions, ecological links, biosphere.

This paper is at WorldCatalog (WorldCat).
This article is available:
in U.S. in 453 libraries;
in U.K. in 22 libraries;
Germany in 22 libraries;
Netherlands in 17 libraries;
South Africa in 17 libraries;
in New Zealand in 7 libraries;
in Japan in the library of Tokyo University of Technology ;
in Venezuela in Universidad Simón Bolívar Biblioteca Central
in Taiwan in the library of National Taiwan University ;

Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. title available

Article   The full text of this Article see online free: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/200582742_
Explanation: Polyfunctional = multifunctional;
The title of a recent review at WorldCatalog:
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in water purification   (about 2 hours ago)
The text of the review:
Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. This is the title of the excellent useful paper.  It presents, in a short form, the new theory of improving water quality, ecological water self-purification. Polyfunctional ...

Study of the interactions between Elodea canadensis and CuO nanoparticles

by M E JohnsonS A OstroumovJ F TysonB Xing

Article Article

Nanotoxicity, phytotoxicity, copper, nanomaterials, immobilization   (about 2 hours ago)

This paper presents results on new experiments on nanomaterials, namely,  copper oxide nanoparticles. Discoveries made in this study: (1) phytotoxicity of CuO nanoparticles to elodea; (2) immobilization of copper by the biomass of elodea after incubation of the biomass in aquatic medium with...

Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence of plants: Innovations for phytotechnology

by E V LazarevaS A Ostroumov

Article Article

Phytoremediation of polluted water. Water purification    (about 2 hours ago)

Useful, excellent paper. Contribution to phytoremediation of polluted water. Water purification ecotechnology.

tags: phytoremediation, polluted water, Water purification, detergents, pollution, water quality,

The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems

by S A OstroumovG M Kolesov

Article Article

Biological detritus; gold, uranium, some other elements   (about 2 hours ago)

Biodetritus means biological detritus. This innovative paper presents results on new experiments on creating a model water ecosystem, in which biological detritus is accumulated during several months. This detritus accumulated at the bottom of this aquatic ecosystem. Elemental analysis of the detritus...

Tolerance of an aquatic macrophyte Potamogeton crispus L. to sodium dodecyl sulphate

by E A SolomonovaS A Ostroumov

Article Article

Phytoremediation of polluted water, improving water quality   (about 2 hours ago)

Informative, innovative paper. Useful: a contribution to the scientific basis for  phytotechnology, phytoremediation of polluted water, improving water quality, water purification.  Recommended
Tags: phytoremediation, polluted water, improving, water quality, phytotest, phytotoxicity,...

On the Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory

Article Article

New productive ecological theory of water quality.    (several hours ago)

New productive ecological theory of water quality. The new productive theory of ecological purification of water in aquatic ecosystems is formulated in this fundamental article. The theory is consistent and very useful to understand the status and trends in aquatic ecosystems under chemical pollution....

A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial-Benthal Coupling

Article Article

Absolutely new environmental hazards from chemical pollution   (several hours ago)

Absolutely new environmental hazards from chemical pollution were discovered in this paper. The author studied chemical pollution and how some chemical ecotoxicants may affect water organisms. He discovered a new hazard: an impairment to links among parts of ecosystems.  The paper is very innovative,...

Influence of Some Amphyphilic Substances and Mixtures on Marine Mollusks

Article Article

Discovery of toxicity of surfactants and detergents to marine mollusks   (several hours ago)

Discovery of toxicity of surfactants and detergents to marine mollusks. Amphiphilic substances (=surfactants) and laundry detergents were found to decrease filtration rate of marine mollusks, mussels and oysters. This discovery is important to understand  new environmental hazards of chemical...

On studying the hazards of pollution of the biosphere: Effects of sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) on planktonic filter-feeders

by I M VorozhunS A Ostroumov

Article Article

Discovery of new hazards of chemical pollution of water and biosphere   (several hours ago)

Discovery of the  new hazards of pollution of the biosphere: the authors (Moscow State University)  discovered new toxic effects of low (sublethal) concentrations of a synthetic surfactant [sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)] on planktonic filter-feeders, namely, crustaceans Daphnia magna. This...

The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects

Article Article

Insight into new mechanisms of summation of man-made impacts   (several hours ago)

Insight into new mechanisms of summation of man-made impacts. This important discovery was made by the author who studied aquatic organisms, namely filter-feeders and plankton. Very useful paper to water sustainability, biodiversity protection, water quality, water safety, environmental protection.

Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification title available

Article Article

Inhibitory analysis: eutrophication, algal blooms, water self-purification    (several hours ago)

Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. - This is the title of this excellent paper. It presents both new facts and ideas in aquatic ecology. The paper is recommended.
tags: New analysis, eutrophication, algal...

New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosystem and Biogeocenosis

Article Article

New ecosystem definition   (several hours ago)

New ecosystem definition. The current ecosystem definition is vague and outdated. The author modernized this antiquated definition. The paper is of a huge importance, and great help to all who is interested in modern interpretation of the most fundamental terminology in ecology. The paper is very...

Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs

Article Article

New methodology, unique new insight into aquatic trophic webs   (about 4 hours ago)

Unique new insight into trophic webs and trophic chains. The author developed a powerful, useful, productive methodology to study interactions among species. There is an analogy to inhibitory analysis in biochemistry. In biochemistry, this approach was very productive. The author applied this useful...

System of Principles for Conservation of the Biogeocenotic Function and the Biodiversity of Filter-Feeders

Article Article

new set of principles to protect aquatic life   (about 4 hours ago)

Innovative formulation of a new set of principles to protect aquatic life. A very useful paper to protect better biodiversity in aquatic habitats. It will be very useful in biodiversity protection, in protection of  both freshwater and marine species. I recommend this paper.
Tags: new...

Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks

Article Article

Absolutely innovative concept of water ecology, water safety   (several hours ago)

Absolutely innovative concept of water ecology, water safety. The term 'polyfunctional' means 'multifunctional'. The paper discovered a huge multifunctional role of water organisms in improving water quality.  The advantage of this fundamental paper is brevity. It helps to deliver the fundamentally...

Biodiversity Protection and Quality of Water: The Role of Feedbacks in Ecosystems

Article Article

Discovery of huge role of biodiversity in improving water quality   (about 4 hours ago)

Discovery of a huge role of biodiversity in improving water quality in aquatic habitats in natural surface ecosystems. The paper is extremely important and useful in water sustainability, sustainable use of water resources, protection of water quality, nature conservation, biodiversity protection....

Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification

Article Article

Discoveries in eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification   (several hours ago)

Very useful, fundamental contribution to aquatic ecology. The paper reports new experiments of the author. the new ideas link together the phenomena as diverse as chemical pollution, eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification.  This really outstanding, excellent publication is...

Pellets of Some Mollusks in the Biogeochemical Flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al

by S A OstroumovM P Kolesnikov

Article Article

New discoveries on geochemical fluxes through water ecosystem   (about 4 hours ago)

New discoveries on geochemical fluxes through water ecosystem were made in this paper. The authors, Dr. Sergei Ostroumov (Moscow University) and Dr. M.Kolesnikov (Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences) studied freshwater mollusks. They measured the role of the pellets of the mollusks...

Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects

Article Article

Toxicity of detergents to freshwater mussels.   (about 4 hours ago)

Discovery of toxicity of detergents to freshwater mussels was made in this paper. Detergents that were studied were laundry detergents so that these chemical products enter the aquatic environment as pollutants. The species of the freshwater mussels was one the most common freshwater bivalve mollusks,...


General Biology - Filtration Inhibition Induced by two Classes of Synthetic Surfactants in the Bivalve Mollusk Mytilus edulis

by S A OstroumovP DonkinF Staff

Article Article

Toxicity of surfactants to bivalve mollusks   (about 4 hours ago)

First paper to report toxic effect of surfactants on filter-feeding bivalve mollusks. Discovery of toxicity of anionic surfactants (e.g. SDS) and non-ionic surfactants (e.g., Triton X-100) to marine mussels Mytilus edulis. In the experiments, the both surfactants decreased filtration rate by the marine...

The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication

Article Article

Absolutely new solution to eutrophication.   (about 7 hours ago)

Absolutely new solution to eutrophication - this is the bottom line of this very useful paper. In practice, to solve the horrible problem of eutrophication became a mission impossible. he author, Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, proposed an absolutely new solution. He discovered a new factor that contribute...

Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact

Article Article

Insight into Control of Plankton Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact   (about 7 hours ago)

Insight into Control of Plankton Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact. This is the new discovery meaning of this excellent, useful, interesting paper.  In this study, the anthropogenic impact was exempified by chemical pollution (synthetic surfactants, detergents). This  useful paper is highly...

Biologicheskiie effekty pri vozdeistvii poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv na organizmy


Many new facts on ecotoxicology of detergents   (about 7 hours ago)

This excellent book contains many new facts on ecotoxicology of detergents and synthetic surfactants. It is very useful.  The readers who can read Russian will find a lot of new facts on toxic effects of detergents and surfactants on bacteria, algae, higher plants, and invertebrates (e.g. leeches...

The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System

Article Article

New Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Component of Water Self-Purification    (about 8 hours ago)

Excellent paper entitled 'The Concept of Aquatic Biota as a Labile and Vulnerable Component of the Water Self-Purification System' . This peer-reviewed journal (Doklady Biological Sciences) is the best scientific journal in Russia. This journal has impact twice as big as  that of other journals....

A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial-Benthal Coupling

Article Article

New type of hazards of water pollution was discovered   (about 7 hours ago)

Excellent paper.  New hazards of water pollution were discovered. The hazards discovered are the impairments to the structure of aquatic ecosystems. The author made this discovery when studying toxic effects of organic and inorganic chemicals on aquatic invertebrate organisms that filter water...

The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere

Article Article

Excellent paper. New developent in ecology, science of biosphere   (about 8 hours ago)

Excellent paper. New developent in ecology, the science of the biosphere. The paper presents new development along the lines of reasearch of the Russian scientist who contributed a lot into the science on the biosphere and the global environment, V.I. Vernadsky. The title of this peer-reviewed journal,...

Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms

Article Article

New toxic effects of surfactants (= amphiphilic chemicals)   (about 7 hours ago)

Excellent paper. The author studied marine bivalve mollusks and discovered new toxic effects of  synthetic surfactants (= amphiphilic chemicals). He proved that these chemicals  - which are components of detergents including laundry detergents, and also components of oil dispersants - present...

The Geochemical Apparatus of Aqueous Ecosystems: The Biocos Regulation

Article Article

New ideas on the biosphere, a valuable contribution to ecology   (about 9 hours ago)

Useful new terminology and ideas were proposed by the author in this excellent article. The paper is a continuation of the lines of thought and scientiic research of the Russian scientist V.I.Vernadsky. V.I.Vernadsky was known as a founder of the new science of biogeochemistry. In his insightful paper,...

The Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects

Article Article

Innovation, insight in analysis of anthropogenic impact   (about 8 hours ago)

Excellent paper. This peer-reviewed journal (Doklady Biological Sciences) is the best scientific journal in Russia. the paper presents important innovation, insight in analysis of anthropogenic impact on organisms and ecosystems. The paper provides an innovative analysis of how man-made effects on...

Conservation of living nature and resources : problems, trends, and prospects

by Aleksej Vladimiroviď Jablokov;S A Ostroumov; 


Unique innovative monograph   (about 9 hours ago)

Excellent book. The first monograph that created a new scientific discipline. The fundamentals of the scientific basis for nature conservation and biodiversity protection were created in this book. Excellent new system of organization of a huge range of facts. This book is one of the most important...

An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water Self-Purification Function

Article Article

a new productive idea. New concept of water ecosystem.   (about 8 hours ago)

Excellent paper, entitled: An Aquatic Ecosystem: A Large-Scale Diversified Bioreactor with a Water Self-Purification Function. This peer-reviewed journal (Doklady Biological Sciences) is the best scientific journal nin Russia. The author generated a new productive idea. Dr Sergei A.Ostroumov proposed...

Biological Effects of Surfactants.

  eBook : Document

Unique, excellent book on environmental toxicology of detergents   (about 8 hours ago)

This excellent book contains many new facts on environmental toxicology of detergents and synthetic surfactants. It is very useful.  The readers  will find lots of new facts on toxic effects of detergents and surfactants on bacteria, algae, higher plants, and invertebrates (e.g. leeches...

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