Poor baby bird...

When I was outside this morning I noticed something by the truck tire and went over to see what it was.

Isn't he a cutie pie?  He is really small and must have fallen out of the nest.  Look at how pretty his feathers are from his back:

I picked him up and placed him in the crook of a tree:

And he fell out; luckily I caught him.  It was starting to sprinkle, so I brought him into the shelter and semi-wrapped him in a towel to keep the breezes off him and make sure he was dry if the rain really started.  

He wasn't moving except when I picked him up, and then he moved a little and opened his eyes.   When I noticed John was across the road I asked him what he would do, if anything, to save the bird.  I can't feed him or give him water, and while I didn't want him out in a storm, I also didn't want to hide him from his mom.

John said maybe if the bird was in a tree his mom would find him and start feeding him.  Since I had some good trees in the site, I built a nest in one of them that had a good flat area in the crook where the branches began.

I put some yarn on the bottom then cut some grasses for the floor...

... and put the bird in the middle:

Then I put some rocks in the openings so he wouldn't fall out and filled in with more grass.

That's a nice looking nest - for a first try, anyway.  I hope he's comfortable.

Poor little thing.  I haven't seen any adult birds flying around, and when I checked on him after a couple of hours, he didn't seem any more lively.   I hope he makes it, but I'm not too hopeful.

Here are a few more birds from the campsite


These little ones were "fighting" over nibbles on the ground:

A little hummer sitting on the truck mirror:

 A Lesser Goldfinch:

And some lovey Eurasian Doves on a post:


So sweet.

Today is our last day here in the park, and tomorrow we'll be joining Nancy and Jeanne in town (Las Vegas, NM).  I need to do laundry while I'm in town, but other than that it will just be hanging out for three days, then back to Storrie Lake for another week.

Here's our site this time around - I really like this one, but most of the sites are good here at Storrie Lake. 

From me and Katie, have a great Friday, everyone!  :)

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