We've been home a week now.
We're settling in nicely.
Unpacked and spending lots of time outside.
with the boys' long lost friends.
The twins are LOVING their new bikes, riding all over town with their friends (and mommy in tow), fearless on hills despite the gravel. I love it.
Meanwhile, I am happy to be back enjoying all the wide open spaces.
Aside from playing out and visiting with all our friends, we've been busy in the house as well. I managed to rearrange the living room and play room. With our boys getting bigger, we needed a second couch downstairs, so we took the one from our bedroom and brought it down. But to make room for that, my desk needed a new home.
So I decided to move it into the playroom which is now doubling as our school room. Thus far I have loved having my desk in there. The boys play as I work on the computer, and I love the view out the window.
We are all settling well into a routine. The twins and I jumped right into school, starting last week, and we're working hard to establish new expectations for our now six year old boys, including folding their own laundry and helping with household chores. It has lightened my load incredibly. We've had some behavior issues, tantrums & fighting, but nothing surprising given all the changes they've been through. I am feeling hopeful for the year, looking forward to all that is to come.