it's possible to get out of a speeding ticket by challenging it in court, cops don't show up very often

I challenged one ticket in Massachusetts and the officer that issued the ticket didn't show up, they sent another officer who was not the one issuing the ticket. I argued that there was no one there that was an actual witness to the crime. The judge explained that this officer was filling in and reading the report that was filled. I explained that the report isn't evidence. It's one side of the story and I'm innocent until proven guilty. No witnesses, no proof. So I denied all of the charges. The judge made some comment about trusting the word of the officers over mine. I respectfully told him that he is required to be unbiased and render judgment based solely on the evidence and he just revealed that he is, by default, biased in favor of the officers. I continued to maintain my innocence and also said that I am within my rights to face my accuser in a court of law. And I don't see my accuser here. Only someone reading what the accuser wrote. After about 15 minutes of this the judge looked irritated with me but acknowledged that I was correct and dismissed the charges.

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