“Well, what on Earth DO you do?”
“I have a life.”
“But it’s brilliant.”
“No, it’s for old ladies and gays.”
“You may have a point.”
And so the conversation continues. It’s a conversation I’ve had too many times to remember. Usually with a person (stranger or friend, but usually a stranger) you wouldn’t normally associate with the ‘Corrie demographic’.
As a lover of all things cobbled I try my best to share my passion (addiction) for Coronation Street with those that haven’t taken the time to sit with a cup of Yorkshire tea (Lancashire hasn’t yet come up with a suitable alternative) and see what Rita, Norris and Roy are getting up to in Weatherfield. But therein perhaps lies the clue to their disinterest. Who cares what a bunch of ageing, working-class residents are getting up to in a made up Northern town? Indeed the most interesting of Corrie’s characters, in my opinion anyway, are the older ones. They are the backbone of the Street.
As a lover of all things cobbled I try my best to share my passion (addiction) for Coronation Street with those that haven’t taken the time to sit with a cup of Yorkshire tea (Lancashire hasn’t yet come up with a suitable alternative) and see what Rita, Norris and Roy are getting up to in Weatherfield. But therein perhaps lies the clue to their disinterest. Who cares what a bunch of ageing, working-class residents are getting up to in a made up Northern town? Indeed the most interesting of Corrie’s characters, in my opinion anyway, are the older ones. They are the backbone of the Street.
Corrie surely appeals to more than just the blue-rinse brigade? Yes it does. People of all ages and backgrounds watch. But all too often it seems difficult to get people ‘on board’ with sacrificing their Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings for the sake of this multi award-winning institution. There are numerous younger and edgier characters the more modern television viewer can relate to. David, the tearaway pusher-of-mums-down-stairs turned responsible young dad. Jason Grimshaw, who is quite (very) nice to look at and is a dab hand at grouting. Nick, the brain-damaged businessman. And until recently, Tina, who was tossed off the builder’s yard balcony and whacked on the back of the head, ending a glittering and very orange Corrie career much too soon.
After many debates about the virtues of Coronation Street, I’ve come to the conclusion that you can’t win ‘em all. Try as I might to persuade my colleagues at work that a) Corrie is must-see telly, and b) that photo on my desk is Hayley Cropper and not my mum, I have to sometimes resign to the fact Corrie isn’t everyone’s cup of (Yorkshire) tea.
But take a look on twitter. It looks promising for a thriving and wide ranging army of Corrie addicts. People young and old, British and otherwise. Times columnists, Tories, students and yes, the odd homosexual. There’s nothing better than seeing people engaged in Britain’s best soap (continuing drama).
Here's my final conclusion. If you don’t watch Corrie, you’re either daft…or we’ll get you eventually. So be careful if you ever come across me in a London pub (which is quite likely). I’m on a recruitment drive.
Corrie Needs You!
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