Country cats

The rain has finally stopped and hopefully the sun will make an appearance today.

Sunday mornings are quite lazy around here unless I have kitty-clients to feed.
Today is a 'no work' day for me so a second cup of coffee is a necessity.

"What are you doing, Audrey?"

=^..^= "Cuddlin' my best friend forever" 
"You do realize that it's that way because she is the only one that can tolerate you most times."

                                              =^..^=   "and your point is....

We took advantage of a break in the rain and headed out to our property for some clean-up.

Once there,  we were greeted by this gal...

and her tuxedo friend.
They were both very interested in all that we were doing.

Fingers crossed that they just live over the stone fence. We'll be back this week and I'll ask around.

hugs, Deb

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