
A few months ago a friend of ours posted they were adopting and I got super excited of course.  I began looking into their agency and ended up chatting with someone.  Their program for the Philippines was not the best fit for us but she suggested I look into Bulgaria.  I responded, "we want to adopt from an impoverished place."  To which she said, "well, you might be surprised by what you find out about there."  Kev and I ran across this article just tonight.  It reminded me so much of what we saw in Romania and it even compared it to Brazil.  Brazil is where our adoption journey began about ten years ago.  So here we are sitting in our new home that we thought we would NEVER get into, talking about getting moving with adoption, FINALLY.

God tends to move really slow with us or really fast.  Its weird after knowing something for so very long for it to finally be getting rolling.  We will see what happens.  It is certainly all in God's hands.

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