My Annie, of course. That is a face that calms me on a busy day and welcomes me home.
Spending time at this place; learning more about my heritage and the little piece of land we will call home very soon. So many questions...
Enjoying breakfast out where there is no need to even order anymore. Cindy just knows what we want and says..."the usual?"
Continuing on with my 'purging' of those things once enjoyed but not so much anymore. Time to pass things on to thrift shops while remembering the motto...'Only surround yourself with things you LOVE.' It's incredible how happy that makes you feel.
And what's a day without indulging in a pot of special tea.
Only to be made better with the company of a charming feline.
A big smile for Kane who Aced his vet appt. and got a 'thumbs up' from his Dr. for another year.
He has lost some sight and his hearing isn't worth a plug nickel but other than that he is doing well. We deal with his environmental allergies (ragweed) every year with benadryl and soothing baths so that's nothing new. At age 14, we are happy with his results. His health was good enough for him to get his rabies shot today. Now that doesn't seem like much of a prize, does it?
He was a real sad-sack at the vet clinic (head down and tail between the legs) so the retired-guy took him for a tim-bit after his appt. No...not the plain one; that just won't do. He wants one with a glaze. He may be old but he's not stupid *grin* (and I think he got two).
Now life is good again.
Got some *smiles* to share today?
hugs, Deb
Spending time at this place; learning more about my heritage and the little piece of land we will call home very soon. So many questions...
Enjoying breakfast out where there is no need to even order anymore. Cindy just knows what we want and says..."the usual?"
Continuing on with my 'purging' of those things once enjoyed but not so much anymore. Time to pass things on to thrift shops while remembering the motto...'Only surround yourself with things you LOVE.' It's incredible how happy that makes you feel.
And what's a day without indulging in a pot of special tea.
Only to be made better with the company of a charming feline.
A big smile for Kane who Aced his vet appt. and got a 'thumbs up' from his Dr. for another year.
He has lost some sight and his hearing isn't worth a plug nickel but other than that he is doing well. We deal with his environmental allergies (ragweed) every year with benadryl and soothing baths so that's nothing new. At age 14, we are happy with his results. His health was good enough for him to get his rabies shot today. Now that doesn't seem like much of a prize, does it?
He was a real sad-sack at the vet clinic (head down and tail between the legs) so the retired-guy took him for a tim-bit after his appt. No...not the plain one; that just won't do. He wants one with a glaze. He may be old but he's not stupid *grin* (and I think he got two).
Now life is good again.
Got some *smiles* to share today?
hugs, Deb