What made you smile today?

For me, it was my kitty-client, Sparky.
He is appropriately named because one minute he is like this and in a spark he is gone.
He is a wee bit of a nipper but I finally have him figured out. *ouch*
Sometimes I'm a slow learner. :-b

And look at all these smiles.

That's my son, John, with his 4 year old's soccer team, The Green Growlers.
He loves coaching them as they are not only cute but so darn fun to watch.
It doesn't seem that long ago that he started playing soccer at the age of 6 and now he's a coach.
There's Riley in the front row second to the left.  
She's a darn good player already just like her dad.

Taking time out for a good cup of tea and a fresh muffin.
Not just any muffin, though.
A raspberry, blueberry, blackberry muffin.

I made a batch of two dozen.
Where they all went...I have no idea.

my sister is home from her surgery and all went well.

Enjoy your day.
hugs, Deb

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