The Federal Communications Commission may have problems ensuring that its regulations on shared arrangements by TV stations meet the agency's goals on competition and diversity because "it lacks basic data," the U.S. government watchdog said on Monday.
Reuters is reporting the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, at the request of Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, spent a year investigating the impact of agreements between TV stations to jointly sell advertising or produce and acquire programming, or to share news or other equipment and resources.
Through interviews with stakeholders, a review of filings and documents, and a case study in six markets, the GAO found it "difficult to objectively determine" how such agreements affect the FCC's policy goals of competition, localism and diversity in the broadcasting industry.
"FCC has not completed a study of and lacks basic data on broadcaster agreements. This lack of analysis and information could undermine FCC's efforts to ensure its media ownership regulations achieve their intended goals," the GAO said in a report released on Monday.
"Without conducting a fact-based analysis of how agreements are being used, FCC cannot ensure its current and future policies on broadcaster agreements serve the public interest."
The FCC in March voted along party lines, with a Democratic majority, to crack down on joint advertising sales agreements. The FCC now counts a broadcaster as having an ownership interest in any station in which that party sells 15 percent or more of weekly advertising time.
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