Here's a quick recap of my visit to paradise. OMC it was nice. The weather was great! Now we are back at home, and oh boy am I tired! I think I need some serious naps now to recover from all of that outdoor stuff!
Here I am in my travel box in the boat! I think it's fun, I'm quite an experienced traveller by now, so I don't make a big deal out of it.
The great outdoors! I was set free as soon as we jumped out of the boat, and here I'm just chilling in the grass. Anyhow, I felt I had to supervise my staff carefully so that they wouldn't do anything stupid. So I stayed quite close to them and kept them company.
Water between the stones. I don't like the water that much, allthough the kids introduced me to it a couple of times... I like to keep some distance to it to keep my paws dry.
All in all, this was a nice stay at the cottage. Even during the night I had the freedom to come and go as I liked. Part of the night I stayed outdoors, but at some point when the cottage door was opened I sneaked in and slept there. Cool stuff. I wish I could do it at home too... BUT, at least it's cooler here at our home. The cottage doesn't have any other air conditioning but the breeze from the sea.
Have a great Caturday!