our days...

How are you?
This hilarious picture is intended to start your Tuesday off right!

We're good.  Spending our days going to movies, riding bikes and visiting parks.

Enjoying driving in the car, and seeing all our favorite places in Vancouver.

Last week we went swimming, camping & saw the Pacific ocean from our favorite place-- Rockaway Beach, Oregon.  I can't wait to post pictures and share with you.  Oh man we had a great time!

Wyatt's still talking about marshmallows & chocolate!

Jack was excited to spend some time with his cousins.

I gave the boys haircuts.  I just can't do long hair styles.  I lack the barber ability to keep it under control and looking cute... So I pretty much shaved off all of the twins' hair.  Their hair is so straight and so blond.  It's completely unforgiving.  It shows every cut.  Wyatt's hair is the polar opposite. It's dark brownish, has some wave, and looks good no matter how horribly I hack at it.  Eh, I guess you win some, you lose some!
These sweet pictures are from Father's Day.  Josh was napping on the couch and Wyatt crawled up and told Josh he wanted to sleep with him.

Those two melt my heart.  
The boys were totally blessed for their birthdays with toys galore.  So when we had a few rainy days here, we managed inside just fine!  Play doh, Imaginext and some awesome Goodwill finds have kept us content.

Our next agenda item (once the car is fixed... but that's a story for another post...) is to get these kids to a library!  We are all tired of the same stories for bedtime and I can't wait to see Wyatt's eyes when he walks into a house full of books!  Like mother, like son!

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