Merit. Evidence of merit. Quality of scientific results, series of publications on environmental science, biology. Online posts, with links

Merit. Evidence of merit. Quality of scientific results, series of publications on environmental science, biology. Online posts, with links:

Merit, scientific value of a series of publications on environmental science, water, ecology, biology. In short.

Merit, scientific value of a series of publications on environmental science, water, ecology, biology. In short.

26 short reviews (favorable) of useful publications, ecology, environmental science, water, ecotoxicology; at World Catalog, the biggest globally library catalog:

Rating: excellent. Top publications, ecology, rating at World Catalog. Favorable reviews were published at World Catalog.

Rating: excellent. book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. See: Top publications, ecology, rating at World Catalog. A favorable review was published at World Catalog: 

Merit. Series of publications on chem.-biol. inter... Evidence of merit, articles on enviro. science: CITATION, BOOKMARKED, UPVOTED, DOWNLOADED:

quality, evidence of merit: 100 publications (environmental science, biosciences),

Evidence of Merit. Addendum to CV. Dr. S. A. O. Updated 2011, January. Comments in published editions, reviews; other forms of evaluation of publications and works.

Independent evaluations, evidence of merit, success, achievement, and recognition: posts, sites, materials available online: works on Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences; summary of innovations in the publications authored by a Fulbright Awardee at Moscow University; World-wide and international citing of the publications in USA, Canada, Germany, France, UK, other countries:

Merit.2.Ostroumov.publ.on.his.Works;   Addendum to CV. Evidence of Merit. Updated 2011, January 7  Comments in published editions, reviews; other forms of evaluation of publications and works:

Addendum to CV. Evidence of merit. Comments in published editions, reviews; evaluation of works:


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