We’ve received about 647k #netneutrality comments so far. Keep your input coming -- 1st round of comments wraps up July 15.
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) July 11, 2014
The Federal Communications Commission has so far received about 647,000 comments regarding net neutrality as the first round of public comments comes to a close, tweeted FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Friday.The comments are in response to the open Internet rules the FCC approved by a 3-2 vote in May, which seek to set regulations on how Internet service providers (ISP) can distribute their capacity to customers.
The NY Daily News reports the controversial rules as they are currently proposed would ban ISPs from slowing down Web access to consumers, but may allow content providers, such as Netflix, to pay for more reliable Internet access to those same consumers.
Wheeler has said the rules would not divide the Internet between what he says are “haves” and “have-nots,” which is a sentiment those protesting the rules disagree with.
Following the close of the initial 60-day public comment period, a period for reply comments will open through Sept. 10. A final vote on the proposed rules is not expected to take place until the end of the year.
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