(en) Finland, Tampere, Musta Pispala festival 17th-20th July 2014, schedule and programme available online

Welcome to Musta Pispala! ---- In July anarchist counter-cultural festival Musta Pispala 
spreads again around the gentrificated landscapes of Pispala region. City centers are 
becoming more and more a mere subject of commercial activities, offering less and less 
chances to meet without demands of consumption and adapting to the capitalistic agenda. 
Musta Pispala is creating its own counterculture for ninth year in a row. We want to bring 
people together for the weekend to work for a better world, to discuss how to question, 
destabilize and destroy the present system that is built on principles of oppression and 
inequality, and to celebrate in atmosphere of creativity, movement, and co-operation. 
Musta Pispala is open for all antiauthoritarian operatives.

We will not tolerate any oppression or discriminatory actions. No sexism, racism, 
speciesism, ableism or any other shit. Do not make assumptions about other peoples' 
genders or sexuality. Respect peoples' personal space: do not take pictures or video 
without asking permission from all of the persons that are subject to your actions. It is 
allowed to take pictures during concerts, but be polite and respect if someone wishes not 
to be photographed. Do not spread pictures from the festival in social media without 
asking permission from all of the people in the pictures ? a permission to take pictures 
does not equal permission to spread the pictures. If you come across with any oppression 
or discriminatory actions, contact the festival organizers. You can contact the info 
number at all times during the festival at 041 7070932. We also help you to find your way 
to the accommodation.

Please note

that for many of us the festival area is a place of permanent residence, so there is more 
than enough reason to show some respect to our neighbours as well. The owner of the 
near-by store is a nice bloke; don't go racking anything from there. Instead of pissing at 
some neighbour's yard use a bathroom, the public toilet situated at the Tahmela beach, or 
go to the woods. Please leave the old wooden houses, trees, etc. alone: there's plenty of 
space nearby for your creative ambitions in case graffiti is your thing. And most 
important: take care of each other, don't leave anyone stranded, and check that even the 
most bragging drunks have also some place to go to for the night. Enough complaining 
already. Have a great festival!

Festival Programme

THURSDAY 17th July 14 ? 18 Squatters' meeting. (Meet at Club Vastavirta at 14).

18 ? Opening party
Glamorous opening party takes you to enjoy beats of hip hop and rap by artists Klikki, 
Project Loota Kii, Naispyy, JV & Lahti-Samppa, Francis Koira and Jodarok.. Bravest take 
their skateboards along. Starting time 6 pm at Pispala: ask directions from locals or from 
bar Vastavirta (address: Pispalan valtatie 39).
Friday 18th July

Morning Exercise

10 ? Jogging. Meet at Vastavirta, Pispalan valtatie 39, at 10 am, then run.

10 ? 12 Climbing

Let's learn some basics of climbing from equipment usage and maintenance to climbing 
techniques. Preliminary enrolment (phone/e-mail) by Thursday 17th July ? minimum amount of 
workshop attendants 5 persons. mustapispala@takku.net
Hirvitalo (Hirvikatu 10)

11 ? 15 Children's Art Workshop, Hirvitalo

Wall painting workshop for children and like-minded with music. We make a painting to a 
wall with children's wishes and rules, theme can be dreams, garden, fantasy world, future, 
only space is the limit... Background music as a source of inspiration.

12 ? 14 Anarchism, Hirvitalo

Let's get to know with principles and history of anarchism and the movement in Finland.
14 ? 16 Opening info for the festival. Hirvitalo
Presentations of groups and projects, Hirvitalo
You are welcome to present your antiauthoritarian group/project to others, and to get to 
know and see what is Hirvitalo ? contemporary art center of Pispala.

16 ? 18 Dinner. Hirvitalo

18 ? 20 Critique of normativity as a means of creating equality. Hirvitalo
How and why to question social norms? We discuss the potential of questioning social norms 
as a tool for creating open, equal communities in political movements. The idea of 
tolerance, ?the majority tolerating the minority?, has been criticized for upholding 
existing power structures. Respect takes more than tolerance. Learning to question norms 
can also help us to act in new ways and to get rid of harmful practices in our lives as 
well as in our communities.

18 ? 20 Facililtation: how to have better meetings? Hirvitalo

Meetings can be hard. When a group comes together to make decisions or share information, 
often the meeting doesnt fulfill its goal, it takes ages, people compete instead of 
cooperate, etc. However with the goodwill of the group it is quite easy to turn around the 
style of meetings and actually make them an enjoyable and inspiring experience for 
everyone. In this workshop we will explore the concept of facilitation and how it can help 
in creating successful and positive meetings. It is aimed at groups using consensus 
decision making. This participative workshop is based on popular education techniques.

20 ? 21.30 Free space for self-organised workshops at Hirvitalo.

17.30 ? 19.30 Direct Street Art Without A Trace.
Meeting in front of Vastavirta, Pispalan valtatie 39, at 17.15. Be in time!
In this workshop we gather and share information about how to paint as safe as possible, 
and how to hide all traces. This includes computer use, digital technology, and storage of 

Vastavirta, Pispalan valtatie 39

Pub Yl?kerta (Upstairs) : Anarchist quiss. Documentary Let?s Not Live Like Slaves.
Alakerta (downstairs): bands starting at 21. 7e (6e for the members of Vastavirta). 
Armless Children, Lonkkavika, Kovaa Rasvaa, Diskelm?, Hannibal & Black Motor.


Tahmela beach

10 ? morning exercise at the beach. Relaxation exercises.
Hirvitalo, Hirvikatu 10
10 ? 12 Radical Cross Stitches. Hirvitalo
We make small but meaningful cross stitch works and other needlework. 
10 ? 12 How to deal with conflict: introductory workshop. Hirvitalo
Every group and relationship experiences conflict, regardless of whether we are trying to 
bring about an anarchist revolution or play dominoes on the street. Conflict is bound to 
happen while we un-learn old habits, and develop new skills and awareness to work 
co-operatively and challenge oppression. This workshop aims to define what conflict is and 
to explore a few tools we can use to deal with it in our groups. It is aimed to grassroots 
groups using consensus.
10 ? 12 Direct action and informal organisation
14 ? 16 Do we need a countrywide anarchist organization in Finland? Discussion. Hirvitalo.
14 ? 16 Children?s art and plant workshop. Hirvitalo
14 ? 16 Work against mining industry in Finland. Hirvitalo.
We discuss anti-mining work in Finland in focus. The aggressive expansion of mining 
industries in Finland and the resulting environmental problems have been under discussion 
in recent years. The most well-known environmental disaster, Talvivaara, is only one 
example of the problems.

16 ? 18 Dinner. Hirvitalo

18 ? 20 Anarchism and antifascism in Poland. Hirvitalo

20 ? 22 Neighborhood activism as an alternative for alienation and as a platform for 
reclaiming basic needs

20 ? 22 Doing hair: some fun together. Hairdressing and hanging out, come and relax.

18 ? 20 Graffiti and gender. Meeting 17.45 at Vastavirta, Pispalan valtatie 139, be in time!

Club Vastavirta, Pispalan valtatie 39

13 ? 18, Downstairs: Book and record fair.
15 ? 17 bands: Death By Snoo Snoo, Reisengruppe Morgenthau
18 ? 20, Upstairs: Co-operatives as a form of anarchist activism. Panel discussion.
Some see co-operatives as an alternative for capitalist production, others as the longest 
route to capitalism. Can a co-operative be more than a momentary compromise? Different 
co-operative projects have been started in Finland in recent years. Some of them (such as 
Vastavirta itself) now are part of a steady ground of alternative infrastructure, others 
have fallen for one reason or another. Representatives of different co-operatives tell 
about their projects and share what they have learned from them.


21? Bands. 7e (6e for members of Vastavirta) Stereotypia, Backlash, Konkurssi, White 
Tears, Yhteiskunnan Yst?v?t?


Hirvitalo, Hirvikatu 10

10 ? 12 Cartoons of anarchisms
We make together a cartoon zine showing different sides and meanings of anarchism.
There will be equipment available and you may bring some, too.
12 ? Museum tour: Home museum of Lauri Viita (Portaanp?? 8)
Home museum of the local writer Lauri Viita (1916 ? 1965) is open Saturday and Sunday klo 
12 ? 15. All festival participants are welcome to visit the museum of the writer who 
became famous for his descriptions of worker?s lives in the first half of the 20th 
century. We leave together from Hirvitalo at 12.Tickets 2/1e.
12 ? 14 Film screening: Radical portrait : Jyri Jaakkola. Hirvitalo.
Solidarity activist Jyri Jaakkola was murdered by paramilitaries in Oaxaxa, Mexico in 
2010. In this video Jyri tells about his politics and his ideas about activism. Jyri?s 
mother will be introducing the film. The ?radical portrait? is a project by artists Hanna 
Saarikoski and Johanna Raekallio. It includes paintings and filmed interviews of people 
from different political movements.

klo 14 ? 18 py?r?paja. Hirvitalo

klo 14? 16 CrimethInc. goes Finland!
Discussion about translating CrimethInc. texts to Finnish.
16 ? 20 Free space for self-organised workshops at Hirvitalo.
Tahmela football field, Tahmelankatu (close to Hirvitalo!)
14.30 ? 18.30 Antifascist football tournament
Bring your team! Five persons (+substitutes), games of 20 min., fair play?
Registrations by Friday 18.7. . mustapispala@takku.net , tel.041 7070932.
Lunch will be served on site.
20 ? 22 feedback discussion, sauna and chill out at Hirvitalo.
Bike workshop at Hirvitalo Saturday and Sunday 14 ?20

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