The last weekend in Rio de Janeiro experienced the establishment of a true state of
emergency implemented to guarantee the mega event of the World Cup. The repressive and
violent action, however, was already noticeable since last year with a brutal
criminalization of collective protests movements occupying public spaces as a way to
defend better health, education and mobility, among other social rights enshrined in the
Constitution since 1988. ---- What we saw this weekend was a pitiful spectacle bursting
with any notion of democracy. ---- On Saturday, July 12, the judge of the 27th Criminal
Court of the Judiciary of Rio de Janeiro has authorized the implementation of illegal 26
arrest warrants temporary under central argument that "well, it turns out that there are
serious indications that performing acts of extreme violence for the next days is being
planned in order to take advantage of the visibility due to the coverage of the World Cup
soccer, the police action was necessary to prevent the consummation of this objective and
also to identify other members of the association. "
It is true that political imprisonment demonstrates the relationship of the judiciary
subservient to economic interests, be they international or state government. The State
and Federal Executive shamefully silent in the face of abuses by its security forces in
operations in Rio de Janeiro.
It is shameful the role of the judiciary Rio de Janeiro which has been dressed to the
State Executive, demonstrating the fallacy of independence between the powers and the
interpretive mediocrity of their members in defense of a sunken process of social control.
Not only that the prison order decreed the lights out of common practice in inquisitorial
period and perpetuated the exception regimes, see civil-military dictatorship in Brazil,
on Sunday we had a real siege laid down in the square Saens Pena, Tijuca . The public
space was chosen for a number of social movements and political parties to perform acts in
defense of public policies and more democracy and less removals, repression and
What followed was a real war zone where security forces surrounded the protesters with
bombs, causing them to get stuck in the square and prevented from leaving. No one came
after the establishment of the siege that lasted until the end of the game. Attorneys who
were fired for support on the high degree of arbitrariness were barred and only after a
long period that is able to enter siege.
Inside the enclosure, the military police (identified with the alpha-numeric) beat
protesters and who else was there, as a midiativista had his forearm broken by truncheon
blows, among several victims. A journalist with a bleeding head and a student with the
injured arm were prevented from leaving the enclosure. There was no reason for this brutal
repression, justified only by the certainty that the higher authorities (whether state or
federal) tacitly granted carte blanche to massacre the militants.
The legacy of Fifa to Brazil will be the consolidation of a state of exception,
legitimized by the courts, where citizens can wake up with police at his door for the
adjudication of their prisons as a guarantee of peace and order in the State. Peace and
order are created by removing the rights of free expression and political participation,
and the imprisonment of those who defend democracy. But as noted in Marcelo Yuka, "Peace
without voice is no peace is fear!".
We wish to reiterate that we refuse to be silent. Our history and our achievements have
been forged in the struggle, and the struggle will continue.
Fighting, Building Popular Agrarian Reform
Rural Workers' Movement
Legal Advice Centre Popular Mariana Criola
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