Kuranda beds http://littlehousebigheart.com/2012/07/10/raise-the-woof
Kuranda beds are essential to provide bedding up off the floor for shelter dogs. Shelter floors get very cold in the winter time especially. |
Treasure loves to give Fluffy's Blankets and beds!
And, not to leave out our cat friends -
Cat hammocks http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-cage-hammock/?ALLSTEPSCat hammocks give cats a place to perch and feel safe and cozy in their cages. |
Cat T shirt beds http://www.auntpeaches.com/2012/02/cashmere-cat-bed-for-3-in-ten-minutes.html
Scratching posts http://www.duitang.com/people/mblog/22003153/detail
Cat felted ball toys http://www.marthastewart.com/266261/felt-balls
You can also make and donate homemade dog treats for the dogs, and other crafts for the rescue or shelter to sell at fundraisers and special events. Most rescues and shelters rely on donations and fundraising at special events to be able to get much-needed funds to help the animals.