Founding Editors: John F. Oates and William H. Willis
This new instance of the Checklist is a work in progress. Most of the data already supersede those of the previous site. Previous print and online editions were curated by a board of Editors, founded by the late Professors John F. Oates and William H. Willis. This latest carries forward the spirit of openness and collaboration that they championed. Abbreviations are arrived at after discussion by a variety of stakeholders, including Joshua D. Sosin (Duke), Rodney Ast (Heidelberg), Roger S. Bagnall (NYU), James Cowey (Heidelberg), Mark Depauw (Leuven), Alain Delattre (Brussels), Robert Maxwell (BYU), volume editors, and others, sometimes including the wider papyrological community (via papylist). The quickest way to initiate discussion of updates and abbreviations is to write the papylist, or any one of the individuals named above. Editors are strongly urged to let us know when new volumes are published.