Bremerton Fountain Park

We've had some beautiful weather here lately so we decided to take advantage and head over to the one fountain park in the area.  We don't have any splash pads or outdoor pools.  Because when we stopped by a couple weeks ago the kids were dying to play in it I assumed they would love it this time too.  But that wasn't exactly the case.
Leon was very scared of the fountains. He just sat on my lap and hugged me the entire time.  Bob stopped by on his lunch break and held him for a bit.
The rest of the kids were all pretty scared to get splashed as well.  I think we would have to go like every week to get them used to it before they really enjoy it.  Right when we were leaving tucker got soaked and realized that he liked it.
I tried so hard to get them to pose for a picture.  I wanted the water to splash in the background but it took forever to go off.  here they are waiting.
Scarlett would not stay for the splash even though they weren't getting wet.

My mom even came up and went to the park with us.  It was fun to have an extra adult.
Although I wish we had more water parks I am happy that we have at least one, and that we have weather nice enough to use them.

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