A 'New Cold War' Between The U.S. And China?

A ‘New Cold War’: China’s Top Paper Warns Of ‘Slippery Slope’ Towards Conflict With U.S. -- Washington Times

As diplomatic talks in China come to a close, one of the country’s biggest newspapers is warning citizens against a “new Cold War” with the United States.

“Both China and the United States realize that today’s world has already undergone profound changes, and there is no longer a market for a ‘new Cold War’”, the People’s Daily, the ruling communist party’s official paper, said Saturday.

The commentary was written under the pen name “Zhong Sheng,” which means “Voice of China” and is often used for bylines on foreign policy op-eds, Reuters reported Saturday.

“If we deal with (the relationship) well, it could benefit both sides. But if we deal with this badly, that could be a slippery slope to terrible competition and even conflict,” the writer said.

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My Comment: There are too many economic interests involved to make this into a "Cold War" situation. But it is also true that relations are not as good as they could be.

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