UK Army Air Corps Westland WAH-64D Apache Longbow displays at a UK airshow. Wikipedia
The U.S. Names Lots of Weapons After Native Americans -- Michael Peck, War Is Boring
Military honor or racist slur?
There’s been something of a public furor lately over the Pentagon’s tradition of naming military aircraft after Native American tribes. Critics claim the monikers are insulting—just as some believe that naming sports teams “Redskins” or “Indians” is derogatory.
Others argue that it’s an honor to have a helicopter or airplane take your name. Indeed, some Native American tribes have given the practice their blessing.
But just how many aircraft are we talking about? The U.S. military appears to have named at least 20 aircraft, helicopters and missiles after Native American tribes or weapons. You can find many of the names in a 2004 Pentagon list of official designations.
Most—but not all—are Army helicopters. Some are currently in service, some have retired and others never got off the drawing board.
Aircraft and missiles in service include the:
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My Comment: These are appropriate and good names .... and I doubt that there was (and is) any ill intent behind using their names.