Two killed by dust storms in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Two people have died in separate incidents in the Barabanki District of Uttar Pradesh, India, after the area was struck by severe dust storms on 28 June 2014. Both died as a result of trees being pushed over by high winds, with a 55-year-old woman identified only as Sumitra being killed in her sleep after her home was struck by one tree and a 10-year-old boy named as Surendra billing killed by another while picking Mangoes in an orchard.

The location of the Barabanki District. Google Maps.

Dust storms are a common phenomena in arid regions, and are caused by high winds lifting particles from the ground. These are common in Uttar Pradesh in the summer season, a three month hot period lasting from March to June, when temperatures can pass 45° but humidity remains low, and high winds are particularly common ahead of the onset of the monsoon season.

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