Taking a Sick Day

No blog yesterday, as I seem to have come down with something, the last two days I've felt pretty crappy. Nothing major, just a head cold. Asa has also been in the office the last two days, so it's a little more rough on me. Dogs and kids seem to listen a little less when he's not around. Gracie made her way to the neighbors yard the other morning, and she totally knows better.

So yesterday, I kind of took the day off. We had to postpone our Amazing Race Party until a date that works better for our friends, so that we can have more than three teams, so I had an added day in Reality Show week anyway. I just kind of vegged out with the boys, and played games. Hayden and I played a couple rounds of battleship, we played some WiiU, and caught up on the DVR. 

And I suppose if I'm not going to feel well, at least I have a buddy to hang out with. 

Peyton also got his first birthday card yesterday, my mom is ahead of the game. Although, she's traveling a lot, so I'm sure she just wanted to make sure it got here on time. I let him open it early, I usually give him his cards right away instead of hanging on to them until his actual birthday. 

Asa brought home dinner last night, which was also helpful. But, we really only did it because it was Wacky Sunglasses day, and PDQ was giving half off your order if you were wearing sunglasses! 

Today Asa was back in the office (we're almost to work from home week!), so I held down the fort at home, and we did our American Idol day activities. The boys all made some musical instruments. I gave them lots of options of things to make. 

But they all went with guitars. (Don't you like how Hayden used his Survivor torch?)

Then  we watched some lip sync battles from the Tonight Show, and they started looking up songs for the lip sync battles that they'd get to do when Asa got home. 

Since we had out lots of supplies, and my hot glue gun, I finally got some patches on Hayden's build n grow apron. We missed a class today with Asa and work, and the Accord acting up (looks like we're going to have to take it in... cross your fingers it's nothing too major). 

Hayden also got his new work books. He was super excited to get both of them. Since there's no real end of school here, getting the third grade workbooks have been a milestone for him. He started working on the Star Wars workbook as soon as he got it, even though we were already done with school work for the day. (Yes, I know it's Saturday- but we make sure we at least read around here 6 or 7 days a week) 

After Asa got home and we had dinner, I made a quick Publix run. I discovered they take Whole Foods Coupons at the one a little farther from my house. We had gotten a $10 off $50 and there wasn't much time to use it, so I quickly found some of the best deals, and made the most of it. Look what $18 bought today! I need to make an Aldi run for some produce and olive oil, but other than that we have a ton of food and snacks. 

Then it was time for the lip sync battles. Hayden chose a Minecraft parody, and used a box to up his outfit score. 

Calib lip synced to the campfire song.

And Peyton chose the Animanics President's song. 

Based on the score cards Asa and I filled out, Hayden narrowly beat out Peyton with a score of 40 (Peyton had 39)

That's it for reality show week. Our Amazing Race party is rescheduled, but based on Asa picking up some overtime (hello big checks), it might have to be delayed again and become an end of summer party instead. 

Up next: Asa FINALLY has a day off that he doesn't have to study all day! 

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