We relay a text written by the analysis group that occupies the social center
self-organized Atti?k? in Saint-Denis, which the activists of the CGA participate in the
Paris region. ---- To recall, in passing the current activities on housing issues in
Saint-Denis: ---- - Manifestation for the regularization of housing and living-es of 67
rue de Strasbourg on Saturday 14 at 13:30 to the RER station of Saint-Denis ---- Support
rally at the trial of the Atti?k? on Monday 16 at 9 am at St-Denis IT ---- - Evening
support Atti?k? on Saturday ---- With the Grand Paris, these are some real estate
developers and owners who get rich on the backs of the poorest cities chasing Paris
suburbs. ---- Struggling against the same enemies, we the social center self-organized
Atti?k?, our solidarity with the group behind the opening of the building at 13 rue des
Francs-shooters in La Courneuve.
Last week, the newly opened squat street Riflemen in La Courneuve (93) was attacked by a
real estate developer and his henchmen.
This promoter, History and Heritage, present in several cities of Seine Saint-Denis, s'
enriches accelerating urban regeneration in the department.
History and Heritage, La Courneuve ...
History and Heritage The company specializes in the construction and renovation of
buildings, intended to be resold thereafter apartment by apartment. Its peculiarity is
that it focuses on buildings for which the State proposes to d?fiscaliser investors.
Their website clearly announces:
"The Group's History & Heritage caters to individual investors wishing to reduce their
taxes . "
This is a special form of real estate speculation that is, especially in the Paris
suburbs, identify unhealthy heritage listed buildings and buy cheap town councils which
are often the owners.
This is then to find rich investors for whom History and Heritage takes care of
everything, using different companies outsourcing: companies vigilante responsible for
illegally squatted empty buildings, construction companies and temporary workers, and real
estate agency and History heritage to find the future-are tenants and cash rents ....
Optimized free and concern for the rich investment.
Saint-Denis ...
The history of the building located at 59-61 rue Charles Michels in Saint-Denis
illustrates the History and Heritage role in urban renewal in our neighborhoods.
former industrial town, this building in the 2000s belonged to the mayor, which was
allowed to degrade to be totally unsafe. In 2006, the inhabitants of the building-are then
squatted had obtained the commitment to fight the city to renovate the building in order
to build social housing, they and they should be the first es-b?n?ficiair es. The project
was adopted at council unanimously least two voices. April 26, 2008, while the work has
not yet started, a stairwell catches fire, a resident dies. 105 inhabitant-es of the
stairwell are relocated es, and this part of the building is condemned. The town hall,
which has not kept its promises in 2006, is constrained by a new mobilization signed a
protocol for the relocation of inhabitants es.
During the summer of 2012, while still a half-dozen families in the building, the mayor
asked the expulsion by the prefecture. Then she sells everything to History and Heritage.
Today, the old city is working becoming a set of luxury apartments to be rented with rents
raised by owners who have perhaps never been to Saint-Denis.
History and Heritage has taken advantage of its intermediate position between the city of
Saint-Denis, the rich want to pay less tax, and the State finance their renovation of
their apartment. This type of company thus provides a catalyst for social cleansing of
neighborhoods. Business and works very well: sales of more than eight million euros, for a
million profit in 2010.
At Saint-Denis as La Courneuve, solidarity is necessary because the same logic and the
same actors are at work. Speculators and governments act together to drive the working
classes of the city. Organising! Between Saint-Denis and La Courneuve, solidarity is also
practical and perspectives to share.
Self-organization in the struggle! Our collective lack of chefs!
The Social Centre Atti?k? as collective occupying 13 Street Riflemen in La Courneuve
defend the self-organization.
Nobody decides for us.
We do not seek to win elections.
In the fight, one seeks to build a relationship of equality between us.
Everyone-e to have a say, we decide and act together.
Person decides to our site (...) Each e-his say, we decide and act together.
Occupation / Requisition of all voids in Saint Denis, La Courneuve, buildings everywhere!
The Social Centre Atti?k? you want requisition of empty buildings, starting with the 31
boulevard Sembat.
State as local councils can requisition buildings to house people. Expropriate proprios
can curb speculation and social treatment.
At Atti?k?, we act on our own. It defends direct action. Occupy empty buildings is to take
ourselves that no one will give us. Ask them requisition allows however to designate
responsibilities of the state and town halls in the housing crisis.
Solidarity between struggles for housing and paper in Seine Saint-Denis!
La Courneuve in Saint-Denis, it was full of things to do together. Organized the self
Atti?k? social center is part of the neighborhood and the city of Saint Denis. But it is
also a starting point to build solidarity with other struggles.
The Atti?k? is secured to the occupation of La Courneuve today, but also the collective
Cara Foyer Saint-Ouen, the collective of Baras in Montreuil, the collective of 67 rue de
Strasbourg Saint Denis, and all group fighting for housing and papers.
And solidarity is essential between Artists and squatter-tenants.
Housing problems today it's too expensive rents, unhealthy, threats of deportation,
precarious slums, wandering the streets, urban renewal that drives the most vulnerable
It covers all classes.
Racism state and the lack of institutionalized rights makes the situation even more
critical for people without papers. It is time to build alliances against the owners
radical speculators, the State and the Prefecture, the big boxes of construction and
public urban renewal policies.
We need practical solidarity against evictions, defend direct action and
self-organization, to create the balance of power at the departmental level, multiply
struggles to wrest victories.
The social center self-organized Atti?k?
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» France, Coordination of Anarchist Groups, Paris Region - Saint-Denis / La Courneuve same enemies, same prospects (fr, pt)