France, Alternative Libertaire AL #240 - Fascist violence: A gang of criminals (fr, pt)

The June 5, 2013 Clement Meric died young militant antifa. The main suspect in this sordid 
fascist crime, Esteban Morillo, was an activist of Third Way, a movement headed by Serge 
Ayoub. This person says "Batskin" is it as clean as his collection of shirts? ---- Clement 
died 5 June 2013 following his violent attack by thugs in Paris Serge Ayoub. The emotion 
was evident: an antifascist activist was murdered in the street in a context where the 
extreme right, more uninhibited, trying to dictate. The next day, Morillo and seven other 
people were arrested or went themselves to the police. In the process, power, thinking 
curb fascist ideas, decided to dissolve the revolutionary nationalists Youth (JNR), Serge 
Ayoub movement created in the 1980s to the punch, Third Way, and Envy association dreaming 
of the same bar The Local Ayoub manager in the fifteenth arrondissement of Paris, the hub 
of the extreme right. In turmoil, the French Youth Work and nationalists are found 
dissolved. For its part, Marine Le Pen calls for the dissolution of antifascist groups. 
Ayoub, in a burst of pride, dissolved his own militia on June 25 The vortex into which 
swept the fringe of the extreme right is a boon for Ayoub who finds himself in the 
spotlight in these lights as he worships.

Ayoub, a character above reproach?

Ayoub is a man who loves to pose in his speeches of Mussolini giving air. Man while verb 
is not its first made in the far right. Became, in the 1980s, leader of a pack of 
skinheads, he organized under the banner of JNR and approaches Jean-Gilles Malliarakis, 
adept solidarism, whose symbol is a trident, fascist doctrine "neither trusts nor soviets 
": a way to carve out a social suit nationalism. The two men get angry, Malliarakis 
finding JNR too annoying. Found Batskin candidate in the Hauts-de-Seine, trader, peddler 
steroids, biker, adventurer, bartender, until the union attempt to SNCF, La Poste and in 
prison in 2010. But there was an art in which Ayoub excels is the spin: he denies knowing 
Morillo while the two men argue in the same organization. Morillo founded with personal 
knowledge of an association Ayoub human animals whose address is in areas where Ayoub 
publishes its journal Public Hi, missing since. But Ayoub is not his first spin, he had, 
in the past, dropped two activists JNR who killed a young Mauritian 24 years by forcing 
him to drink a beer mixed with bleach.

After the self-dissolution

Can not stay doing nothing, Ayoub launches Collective civil liberties with two friends, 
Robert Helie, Maurrassian activist, founder of the website National Synthesis and Richard 
Roudier, head of network identity and head of the Committee support Mutual became 
prisoners of European solidarity in 2004 with his son Martial, which supports the 
administrative part of the support Morillo (letters, gifts ...), all initiatives, 
concerts, demonstrations must be approved by the committee. It is worth mentioning that 
Martial Roudier was acquitted after stabbing in the back an antifa 16.

In September 2013, in a video, Ayoub gives an interview Dieudonn?. The pseudo-comedian who 
loves to play with fire reaches out to man. With bad taste, they qualify the crime of 
Clement as a simple case, a "second Dreyfus Affair" where Morillo is the essence of 
innocence involved wrongly. The video concludes when the two men are as those of the 
"France from below that have the same enemy." The famous prose antisistema ...

Since Ayoub, presenting himself as the spokesman of the French solidaristic current, 
created a site that is just a shell, taking news from news agencies, including some videos 
where he staged either victim is preachy. He, meanwhile, published a book on "Meric case" 
presenting it as a simple news. The man is discreet, participating in rally May 1 FN as if 
he, too, "de-demonize" his image. Lost ... Or would it be in a dormant phase, calming his 
troops until judgment Morillo and his cronies it?

Ayoub can try to convince anyone who will listen that his movement is above suspicion: he 
lives in a world of criminals fascists! This extreme right, whatever the mask she wears, 
we must fight together and massively. Fight in our daily struggles, our workplaces and 
also the street where we meet on June 7 to Clement and social fascism!

Jake & Elwood (Al Saint-Denis)

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