(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #240 - Migration: The gift from Manuel Valls (fr, pt)

If anyone still naive thought with the leftist government's immigration policy would ease 
the last illusions have fallen. The last round Valls streamlines the control of migrants 
to make it more effective. And deportations are at record levels achieved even under the 
right. ---- 11 March 2013, Manuel Valls signed a circular to prefects reminding them that 
the fight against illegal immigration as a priority in the context of a "firm and 
responsible policy, based on the control of migration flows." In the same document, he put 
an end to people to expel quantified objectives. An easing of xenophobic politics drew 
her? Not at all. The Minister of the Interior was a more accurate accounting of forced 
returns. The previous Hortefeux-Besson-mixed system Gueant all. Not precise enough for his 
taste. Better accounting is better control.

Beaten record since 2006

A year later to the day, the same offense by a new circular which sets priorities for 2014 
and welcomes its committed state for beating all records of forced removals - hear 
evictions - since 2006.

First premise: aliens are all fraudsters. We must therefore multiply identity checks and 
arrests, carefully check the accuracy of the paperwork submitted by foreigners flush 
"marriages of convenience" and suspicious declarations of paternity.

The target heart

Rejected asylum seekers, which represent more than 80% of asylum seekers become prime 
targets of this circular which organizes a descent into hell from the express refusal 
meant. They will first lose any right to accommodation, including emergency shelter. The 
arrest tally with the police, which allows the border police to pick any undesirable for 
boarding a charter time is strongly recommended, as confinement in administrative 
detention center and other "means of coercion" (sic).

Mr. Valls wants to accelerate the process of deportation, even trample on fundamental 
rights. He thus asks the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless 
Persons (Ofpra) and the National Court of Asylum (NADC) to communicate faster decisions 
refusing to prefect, he must take pronto of Obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) 
and also ask specifically Ofpra communication of vital parts or travel necessary for the 
expulsion. The central file foreigners should be informed in real time so that no one can 
pass through the cracks.

As for the poor buggers who were not expelled during their residency or who have managed 
to escape, criminal proceedings will be initiated against them, followed by detention and 
retention. Those who resist deportation suffer the same treatment.

Expel more, faster and farther.

Fortress Europe requires, evictions towards the territory of origin will be favored at the 
expense of readmissions in the Schengen area despite family ties or proven to work.

Face of tougher policy that tramples the rights of foreigners, common rights and 
independence of childcare refugees, more than twenty trade unions and associations of 
defense of migrants have demanded the withdrawal of this text. Unanswered. Mr. Valls is 
now Prime Minister and the French state continues to return - on our behalf - men, women 
and children in the countries they fled. It is therefore with increased vigilance as we 
await the release of the reform of asylum ....

Chloe (AL Seine-Saint-Denis )

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