(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #239 - anarchisme - fascisma ,Unit Campaign: Red and black against brown plague (fr, pt)

Faced with the increase in attacks by fascist and development of ideas, unit initiatives 
are needed more than ever to defend a libertarian and egalitarian project. This is why, at 
the initiative of the Coordination of anarchist groups (CGA) has mounted an anti-fascist 
libertarian group consisting of the latter, AL and CNT. ---- We see in recent years as 
assaults multiply against the antifascist activists, against the gay-le-s, feminists, the 
homeless, foreigners (North Africans, Africans, Roma ...). Some are specifically directed 
against premises belonging to the libertarian organizations and / or other organizations - 
antifascists, trade unionists, feminists, etc.. In Libertarian Alternative, we believe 
that a broad unity of the social movement is essential in the fight against fascist ideas. 
However, it is clear that the shock wave caused by the assassination of Clement Meric was 
quickly forgotten collapsed with the media and the wider unitary collectives have not 
always had the durability and action expected.

We also believe that this unit must coexist with a specifically libertarian discourse. The 
question of fascism is in no way disconnected from other social issues, and must be 
addressed also in terms of a draft global society. Indeed, fascism is conditional on the 
existence of capitalism and authoritarianism, two battlefields of libertarian ideas.

A campaign actions

The state is a key player in preserving social order in crisis. Social and economic 
situation caused by austerity policies are the bed of fascism in erecting the oppressed 
against each other. Faced with this, the moralists and humanistic discourse not enough to 
convince, and it is essential to develop an argument that breaks with the Republican 
electoral and mirages. To develop a coherent anti-fascist politics, he must rely on our 
vision of society, which provides analysis and challenge necessary deconstruction of 
extreme right ideas and the capitalist hierarchical system tools.

CGA, in February 2013, invited to a meeting libertarian organizations to develop common 
responses: implementation of an anti-fascist propaganda, common defense of our members and 
our community, establishment of a network exchange of information, joint assessment of 
current and / or recent activities of the various groups, both national and local level. 
The goal is to expose all the social, economic and political conditions that promote the 
growth of fascist ideas and actions. In the end, only AL and CNT have chosen to 
participate. So we made a four-page leaflet, a poster and a sticker to launch a 
libertarian campaign against fascism. This "kit" is available for all libertarians who 
wish to use it. We also already communicated in writing in response to common assault and 
organized public initiatives (public meeting in Toulouse, press conference in Perpignan). 
Lyon, an action was taken against the militias Generation identity who made "tours 
security" in transit, under the eye of a sympathetic police. The fascist libertarian 
collective Lyon could rally residents, explain to subway riders who these people were, and 
derail their efforts to journalists. This is only the beginning of a joint work we hope to 
see become permanent, with visible and numerous local initiatives with local public open 
to other libertarians.

Elise-Amber (AL Toulouse)

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