About Prof. V. Vernadsky (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences): he was a scientist ahead of his time. Many years before James Lovelock, he developed and published his fundamental concepts and ideas on the biosphere. To a degree, the scientific core of Gaia hypothesis/ theory (James Lovelock ) boils down to the concepts of the biosphere as V.Vernadsky put it in his publications including his famous book 'The Biosphere'.
Is there a third type of the matter (the substances) on Earth? Living matter, non-alive matter. Is there something else? The new paper answered the question. THE CONTEMPORARY DEVELOPMENT OF SOME SCIENTIFIC IDEAS, concepts OF V.I. VERNADSKY
Is there a third type of the matter (the substances) on Earth? Living matter, non-alive matter. Is there something else? The new paper answered the question.
The answer was given also in Chapter 3 of the book, Innovative Aspects of Biogeochemistry
Approval. Expert in philosophy approved the research results of Moscow University, on Ex-Living Matter.
May 22, 2014, a presentation was made in Institute of Geochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, with new experiments to further analyze this issue.
on the presentation May 22, 2014, Geokhi Institute: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/05/22-2014.html
to twit:
Is there third type of the matter(the substances) on#Earth?#Living matter, non-alive matter. Is there something else? http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/08/is-there-third-type-of-matter.html
© 2013 S.A. Ostroumov.
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry of Biological Membranes, Moscow 119991, Russia.
New experimental results of the author are presented in the paper. In the experiments, some new evidence on immobilization of chemical elements by biogenic materials was obtained. The new data were analyzed and compared with new results reported in scientific literature. As a result, the author revised and updated some concepts of V.I.Vernadsky on the biosphere. Among the new fundamental concepts introduced by the author: an extended concept of the biogenic migration of chemical elements, and a new typology of the main types of matter in the biosphere.
About Prof. V. Vernadsky (Member, Russian Academy of Sciences): he was a scientist ahead of his time. Many years before James Lovelock, he developed and published his fundamental concepts and ideas on the biosphere. To a degree, the scientific core of Gaia hypothesis/ theory (James Lovelock ) boils down to the concepts of the biosphere as V.Vernadsky put it in his publications including his famous book 'The Biosphere'.
More detail see here (at that site, a reference is given to the web-page with the full text of the paper):
Relevant links , web-pages, posts:
Review of the book: Innovative Aspects of Biogeochemistry (authors: Ermakov V.V., Korzh V.D., Karpova E.A., Ostroumov S.A. ). Geokhi RAN Publishers, Moscow, 340 p.
The review is published in the journal titled: Ecologica, 2014, 21 (73),
on the presentation May 22, 2014, Geokhi Institute: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/05/22-2014.html
Approval. Expert in philosophy approved the research results of Moscow University, on Ex-Living Matter.
Одобрение, исследования, МГУ;
Some publications on a new type of substances, Ex-Living Matter:
Ecology and biogeochemistry of detoxification of ... - 5bio5
5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/02/ecology-and-biogeochemistry-of.htmlFeb 21, 2013 - Ecology and biogeochemistry of detoxification of hazardous substances in the biosphere: a new concept of 'ex-living matter' (ELM). - Ecological ...Selected bibliography - 5bio5 - Blogger
5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/11/selected-bibliography-ecology.htmlNov 17, 2012 - Остроумов С.А. Новая типология вещества и роль ex-living matter(ELM) в биосфере [New typology of matter and the role of ex-living matter ...- shkolnie.ru/biolog/91299/index.html?page=9
Jan 3, 2014 - Остроумов С.А. New typology of matter and the role of ex-living matter... http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/07/achievements-in-discovering-some ...
Nov 17, 2012 - Остроумов С.А. Новая типология вещества и роль ex-living matter(ELM) в биосфере [New typology of matter and the role of ex-living matter ...
to twit:
Is there a third type of matter (substances) on Earth? Living matter, non-alive matter. Is there something else? http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2013/08/is-there-third-type-of-matter.html
Key words: biosphere, pollution, immobilization, chemical elements, biogenic material, Myriophyllum aquaticum, water environment, nanoparticles, living matter, alive, non-alive matter, V.I.Vernadsky,