updated. Many posts, articles, online free. Ecology, biology. Scipeople. Part 1 (57 pages) of the big collection of online articles at Scipeople. Key words, tags: Ecology, water, environmental, toxicology, surfactants, detergents, Biology, Hydrobiology, Biotechnology, Mollusca, filter-feeders, bivalves, mussels,

updated. Many posts, articles, online free. Ecology, biology. Scipeople.
Part 1 (57 pages) of the big collection of online articles at Scipeople. Key words, tags: Ecology, water, environmental, toxicology, surfactants, detergents,
Biology, Hydrobiology, Biotechnology, Mollusca, filter-feeders, bivalves, mussels

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Biology, Hydrobiology, Biotechnology, Mollusca, filter-feeders, bivalves, mussels, Экология 

Остроумов С.А.
Публикации. Библиография трудов. Доктор биологических наук С.А.Остроумов, МГУ. Научные и учебно-методические статьи, книги. updated up to 2013. гидробиология, экология, биология, науки об окружающей среде, биосфера, качество воды, экотоксикология, охрана природы, сохранение биоразнообразия,...
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http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/doc.pngПубликации. Список списков. обновлено до 2013.doc delete  
Ostroumov S.A. et al. Остроумов С.А. и соавт.
Books, references, covers: ecology, environmental protection, biology: authored by Moscow University. Bibliography in Russian, English, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, selected Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej, Conservacion de la Naturaleza Viva, Ochrana Zive Prirody, Opazvane na Zhivata...
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/htm.pnghttp://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/05/books-references-in-lan...   http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/unknown.pnghttp://ru.scribd.com/doc/221855399/Books-references-cover...  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/doc.pngBooks. List of lists, covers of some of the books..doc delete  
С.А. Остроумов, Н. А. Семыкина
http://scipeople.com/publication/116859/ ; Ostroumov S.A., Semykina N.A. Response of seedlings of macrophytes to water pollution by macromolecular surfactant // Ecology. 1991. No. 4. P. 83-85. (in Russian) [ Reagirovaniye prorostkov makrofi-tov na zagryazneniye vodnoy sredy...
Экология. 1991. № 4. С. 83-85.
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http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/doc.pngРеагирование проростков макрофитов на загрязнение водной... delete  
В.Н. Максимов, Х. Нагель, С.А. Остроумов
http://scipeople.com/publication/116860/ ; Гидробиологический журнал.-1988.-Т. 24, № 4, с. 54-55. УДК 574.64:556.531.4; В.Н. Максимов, Х. Нагель, С.А....
1988.-Т. 24, № 4, с. 54-55.
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Яблоков А.В., Остроумов С.А.
book «Levels of Nature Conservation», «Уровни охраны живой природы». Полный текст книги сделан доступным бесплатно. Смотриhttp://scipeople.ru/publication/106009/  А также: Yablokov A.V., Sergei A. Ostroumov Full text of this book (in Russian) is available online free:...
МоскваНаука (Moscow, Nauka Press), 1985
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Ostroumov S.A. et al.
First pages of a series of papers, in Springer journals, topics: ecology, environmental sciences, water science, environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, protection of the environment
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Ostroumov S.A. et al.
http://scipeople.com/publication/116802/ ; Series of papers in peer reviewed top scientific journals, topics: ecology, environmental sciences, water science, environmental toxicology, ecotoxicology, protection of the environment, biology, conservation; innovations, new facts, new concepts,...
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http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png1 On the multifunctional...Rus.J. Ecology... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png2 Inhibitory analysis... Hydrobiologia... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png3 Some aspects of water filtering...Hydrobiologia... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png4 The effect of synthetic surfactants...Water... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png5 Biocontrol of water quality...R J Gen... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png6 Inhibition of... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png7 Studying effects of some... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png8 On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality...Water... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png9 The Synecological Approach to the Problem of... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png10 Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard...... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png11 On Some Issues of Maintaining Water Quality...Water... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png12 Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png13 A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png14 2005 Some aspects of water filtering activity of... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png15 Suspension-feeders chp%3A10.1007%2F1-4020-3030-4_9.pdf delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png16 Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png17 Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png18 Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png19 System of principles for conservation of the... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png20 Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png21 Anthropogenic effects on the biota towards a new... delete  
http://scipeople.com/templates/images/types/pdf.png22 An aquatic ecosystem a large scale diversified... delete  
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S. A. Ostroumov
Russian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2005, pp. 414–420. Translated from Ekologiya, No. 6, 2005, pp. 452–459; ABSTRACT: Principles of the theory of the ecological mechanism of water self-purification based on multiple functions of the biota in freshwater and marine ecosystems are...
Vol. 36, No. 6, 2005, pp. 414–420.
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Ostroumov S.A.
http://ru.scribd.com/doc/196858430/ 160+ innovative articles - environmental sciences, life sciences, water science, ecotoxicology, environmental protection, conservation biology, links to full texts free, info on citation - publications of Moscow University scientist results, 2014, January 5,...
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