Stop the madness!

This harried lady that sits on my dresser is a constant reminder to get the message out to Spay or Neuter your cat.

She's absolutely frazzled...
trying to find loving, forever homes for all these kittens that her cat keeps producing.
She's tearing her hair out. (Actually Audrey did that but I'm ok with added to the message.)

 I loath the words 'Free Kittens'
We see this in our paper all the time.
Free Kittens
Handing them out like they were inanimate objects.
What does it take for people to learn, to care, to spay?

I know I am preaching to the choir here but this is now 'kitten season' and our local rescues are already full and expecting to be full of kittens all summer. It boggles my mind that we do not have a Free Spay and Neuter clinic in this area to stop the madness.

Here are 10 reasons to Spay or Neuter your cat...


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