Published On:Saturday, May 10, 2014 Posted by Sri Lanka Guardian
Rwanda: The Victims Who Weren't Commemorated
| by Andy Piascik
( May 10, 2014, Boston, Sri Lanka Guardian) A solemn ceremony was held
in Rwanda last month to mark the 20thanniversary of the mass killings
in that country in 1994. Corporate media from the United States and
the rest of the world covered the event in some depth, underscoring
the horrible deaths of hundreds of thousands killed by the state and
Hutu civilians. Dignitaries and politicians from around the world,
including several from the United States, attended a commemorative
event that included an emotional reenactment of the bloodletting.

Entirely uncommented on was the sickening spectacle of Rwandan
dictator Paul Kagame overseeing the event. Kagame, a long-time servant
of US business interests and a mass killer in his own right, set in
motion fighting that culminated in the terrible events of 1994 by
invading Rwanda from neighboring Uganda in 1990. A Tutsi, Kagame was
one of the elite class that went into exile rather than live under a
government of the majority Hutus. Information published by a wide
spectrum of researchers, most notably from the United Nations, has
determined that Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front killed tens of
thousands of people from 1990-94 and several hundred thousand more
during the period that has become known as the Rwandan Genocide.
Because Kagame is supported by the United States, however, those
crimes have been buried with the dead and no public ceremony has been
held in the last 24 years to honor those killed by the RPF.
Kagame's goal from the outset of his 1990 invasion was the overthrow
of the government of Rwanda, and he continually violated ceasefire
agreements to that end. In fact, it was the shooting down in April
1994 of a plane on which Rwandan dictator Juvenal Habyarimana was a
passenger, with a preponderance of the evidence pointing to the RPF as
the responsible party, that set in motion the 100 days of mass
killings. Habyarimana was killed, as was fellow passenger Cyprien
Ntaryamira, the president of Burundi, and ten others.
Much has been made since of the Clinton administration and the
international community's failure to act. In reality, the US was
proactive in preventing the UN and anyone else from taking measures
that might have prevented much of the killing. Former United Nations
Secretary General Boutros Boutros Gali, for one, has put the entire
blame for what happened in Rwanda in the 1990's on the United States.
And even though Kagame continues to claim, as he did in 1994, that his
Hutu ethnic group was targeted in a pre-planned act of the Rwandan
government, he also successfully opposed international efforts that
might have curtailed the bloodshed. Further puncturing Kagame's claims
is the fact that Rwanda and France, its primary international ally,
supported international action to stop the killing. We can only
surmise that the mass killing of Kagame's fellow Tutsis was acceptable
to him and the US so long as the end result was his complete victory
in the fighting and ascension to power. In addition, it's been
well-documented that many of the Tutsis killed were killed not by
Hutus or the Rwandan government but by Kagame's forces because Kagame
considered fellow Tutsis who had remained in Rwanda as untrustworthy
or collaborators.
Researchers Christian Davenport and Allan Stam are among those who
have investigated the events of 1994. Under the auspices of USAID's
International Criminal Tribune for Rwanda, Davenport and Stam, like
many investigators from the West, began their project assuming that
the Rwandan government and rampaging Hutu civilians were responsible
for virtually all of the killing. As their investigation progressed,
however, they discovered more and more evidence indicating the RPF was
also responsible for a great deal of killing. When, during their
investigation, they presented some of that evidence to a meeting that
included high-ranking members of Kagame's government and military,
some in the audience became enraged and one military man cut off their
presentation and ordered Davenport and Stam removed by force. Kagame
subsequently barred them from ever returning to Rwanda. (see
More instructive for how the US was determined to spin the story of
exclusive Hutu responsibility and Kagame as the savior of the day was
USAID's termination of Davenport and Stam's research project and
refusal to publish or in any way make known their findings. UN
investigations that produced similar results were likewise suppressed
by the United States. As with the wars that ravaged Yugoslavia in the
1990's and their aftermath, to cite just one concurrent example, the
West and the US in particular were determined that no findings that
reflected the responsibility of anyone but the designated bad guys
would see the light of day. In both instances, mass killings and other
crimes committed by US clients Kagame, Franjo Tudjman of Croatia,
Alija Izetbgovic and Atif Dudakovic of Bosnia, the Kosovo Liberation
Army and the United States itself were whitewashed. Crucial to the
Rwandan story is the lie that April 1994 marks the beginning of the
terrible events, as if Kagame's 1990 invasion and the intervening
deaths of many thousands never happened.
For its part, the US was looking to supplant France, its chief
imperial rival in Central Africa, and increase corporate investment in
the area, especially in the bordering Congo, one of the world's most
resource-rich nations. To that end, Kagame twice invaded the Congo not
long after taking over Rwanda, launching what Edward Herman has
described as his second act of genocide. As with the invasion of
Rwanda, the invasions of the Congo came with crucial US military
training, armaments and diplomatic support.
Western plunder of the Congo dates to the 19th century and the
murderous rule of Belgian King Leopold II, whose insatiable lust for
wealth was responsible for the deaths of up to 15 million Congolese.
Revolutionary forces finally achieved independence in 1960 but it took
Congolese reactionaries and their Belgian and CIA helpers all of three
months to overthrow and eventually murder Patrice Lumumba, the
nation's first elected Prime Minister. When US puppet Mobutu Sese Soko
was put in power, all semblance of independence vanished as Western
investors once again took control, and they made Mobutu a
multibillionaire for his efforts on their behalf. By the time Kagame
invaded the Congo the first time, Mobutu had fallen out of favor. His
dictatorial ways had become an international embarrassment, plus the
US didn't like that he was keeping too much of the swag for himself.
In addition, they had Kagame who, in his eagerness to be the US's new
client, was as pliant as Mobutu had ever been.
US support of Kagame's invasions of the Congo has proven a remarkable
success, as his wars of terror paved the way to a massive increase in
American investments (and profits) in copper, cobalt, coltan and
diamonds. During that time, the number of Congolese who have been
killed in the fighting or died because of starvation, disease and
other causes traced directly to Kagame's invasions is perhaps ten
times as many as died during the Rwandan Genocide, and the dying goes
on and on right up to this moment. Yet Kagame has been hailed again
and again by Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, George Bush II, Samantha
Power, Susan Rice and other flacks for US imperialism as a hero and
"the man who ended the Rwandan Genocide."
The ruling class and their media stenographers have brought us through
the looking class big-time: war is peace, lies are truth, and
genocidists are liberators. They cannot entirely erase the truth,
however, and information about what really happened in Rwanda as
documented by Davenport, Stam and many others has become available.
Kagame, meanwhile, is hard at work sending hit squads around the world
to assassinate exiled opponents of his regime, his job of laying the
groundwork for increased US corporate plunder done, and done very
well. That is why he was allowed to oversee last month's ceremony and
why virtually nothing was said in the mainstream about those who died
by his hand to make Central Africa safe for US imperialism. It will be
up to those who live in a future world free of Empire to honor them in
the manner they deserve.
Andy Piascik is a long-time activist and award-winning author who
writes for Z Magazine, The Indypendent, Counterpunch and many other
publications and websites. He can be reached at
About the Author
Posted by Sri Lanka Guardian on 08:03. Filed under Africa, Andy
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