NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Is Not Staying Quiet

New Audio: Listen to Edward Snowden Defend Whistleblowers -- Mother Jones

"I'd realized that the highest likelihood, the most likely outcome of returning this information to public hands would be that I would spend the rest of my life in prison."

Edward Snowden beamed into DC from Russia Wednesday afternoon to accept the Ridenhour Prize for "truth-telling," speaking before a crowd at the National Press Club via a Google+ hangout. Snowden's lawyer and his father sat at a table in the front row and accepted the award on his behalf.

"A year ago there was no way I could have imagined being here, being honored in this room," Snowden said to open his remarks. "When I began this, I never expected to receive the level of support that I did from the public. Having seen what happened to the people that came before, specifically Thomas Drake, it was an intimidating thing." Drake is a former high-level employee at the National Security Agency who was vigorously prosecuted after revealing waste and mismanagement at the agency. "I'd realized that the highest likelihood, the most likely outcome of returning this information to public hands would be that I would spend the rest of my life in prison," Snowden said. "I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do."

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More News On Edward Snowden

Snowden Bashes Clapper, Offers Advice to Would-Be Whistleblowers -- US News and World Report
Edward Snowden: NSA Spies More on Americans Than Russians -- National Journal
NSA spies on more US citizens than Russians – Snowden -- RT
Germany blocks Edward Snowden from testifying in person in NSA inquiry -- The Guardian
Edward Snowden set to leak secrets about Arab leaders - report -- Arabian Business
Former NSA contractor Snowden expects to remain in Russia -- Reuters
Snowden Retained Expert in Espionage Act Defense -- New York Times
NSA leaker Snowden hires 'well-known Washington attorney' in the hopes of cutting a plea deal to bring him back from Moscow -- Daily Mail
Snowden reportedly retained high-ranked lawyer to negotiate return to the US -- RT
In the Loop: Snowden retains a legal heavy hitter -- Washington Post
'He Is Priceless': Here's Why Edward Snowden Is Screwed -- Michael Kelley, Business Insider

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