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» MTC day two
MTC day two
Ok kids we are loving this experience. Tomorrow we get to practice on investigators by teaching lessons. So today we learned how to ask Heaven sent questions, share experiences, promise people blessings, When we ask questions like, Will you? We activate their agency. I thought this might be a good parenting idea. Because it builds in habits of accountability. We got to listen to L Tom Perry speak tonight it was great. It is wonderful to sing with all these awesome missionaries. Here is a great quote by Boyd K. Packer we heard today. "You will be attended constantly by angels who will speak to you by the power of the holy ghost... The ministering of those beyond the veil over this work is constant. The pattern of revelation is constant.The concern of them beyond the veil for us is incessant. And you will be the beneficiaries of a guidance and a watch care that will see you move out into the challenging world that you have and be able not only to accomplish that which you are called to do, but you will be able to rejoice in it notwithstanding the challenges. And you will come with a certainty and a testimony and a spiritual growth that you have not dreamed of... I bless you that you will be watched over,that the spirit of the Lord will be with you, that angels will attend you. And that you will be blessed in your homes, your families, your children and their children. And blessings that are of deep concern to you, you will find them unfolding, and if you will be patient, you will find that as you look over the Lords children,He'll be looking after yours." So kids I promise to do my best so God will be taking care of you. I think that is perfect care. Love to all, the church is true mom