How to Become Third World as Quickly as Possible

Hint: No one can afford the true prices at Walmart
Second hint: Too late:

$11.4 million per year is a lot of money just to ship the jobs to China and ship the goods back from China.

But that's "nothing", because Central Banks printed Bill Gates up by $15.8 billion last year which is a ludicrous 1 million and 47 thousand years at minimum wage. Is this a great fucking Ponzi Scheme? Or what?

Microshaft shares
Fifteen years of dead money for everyone except the billionaires
Enjoy that shitty software and minimum wage bitchez:

Where was I...
Fortunately, all Ponzi Schemes Collapse Suddenly and Violently. This Will Be No Exception.

"Is the Globalized Economy a Ponzi Scheme?"
  1. The inbound Third World savings are spent, not invested. Check
  2. Developed world debt is an ever-growing liability with no collateralized asset. Check
  3. Legacy debts are serviced with new inbound cash flows aka. Ponzi borrowing. Check
  4. First in (developed world) get paid. Last in (Third world) get nothing. Check
  5. The "system" requires ever-more payors (aka. "growth"), or it will collapse. Check
  6. The entire scheme is run by Bernie Madoffs. Check.
  7. For some unknown reason, the vast majority are oblivious. Check.
Looks like the Chinese haven't figured out that this is all a Ponzi scheme, and the ones who have are now in Vancouver...

Hits by month (this is the highest month, last October was inflated by spam bots)
I started this blog in late 2006, and yet the 2008 financial crisis doesn't even register below. All of my rantings about illegal aliens buying $750k McMansions zero down, lost in the sands of time...

All time top Posts:
1) BTFATH: Of course, what else, advice on the latest Chinese internet IPOs...
2) Another Glimpse Into the Future: The Hollowing out of the Techonomy by multinationals 
3) Buy the Fucking Collapse: "Advice" on how best to position one's assets for bludgeoning
4) Brave New World: The Developed World's Faustian Bargain aka. Debt
5) Ponzinomics@Peak Leverage: What to do while waiting for the economy to float back from China
6) How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Profit from the Demise of Ponzi Capitalism
7) This Time Will Be Different: A reminder that nothing has changed since 2008
8) Skynet Will Detonate Financial Deathstar 2.0

Other recurring notables:
  1. Surviving Extreme Deflation
Statistically speaking, out of 7 billion people, the number of people who have figured out that Globalization is a late stage ponzi scheme, is the limit approaching zero.

The new Sodom and Gomorrah has failed the test. Unlike 2008, this time around there will be no re-test.

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