Second hint: Too late:
$11.4 million per year is a lot of money just to ship the jobs to China and ship the goods back from China.
But that's "nothing", because Central Banks printed Bill Gates up by $15.8 billion last year which is a ludicrous 1 million and 47 thousand years at minimum wage. Is this a great fucking Ponzi Scheme? Or what?
Microshaft shares
Fifteen years of dead money for everyone except the billionaires
Enjoy that shitty software and minimum wage bitchez:

Where was I...
Fortunately, all Ponzi Schemes Collapse Suddenly and Violently. This Will Be No Exception.
"Is the Globalized Economy a Ponzi Scheme?"
Fifteen years of dead money for everyone except the billionaires
Enjoy that shitty software and minimum wage bitchez:
Where was I...
Fortunately, all Ponzi Schemes Collapse Suddenly and Violently. This Will Be No Exception.
"Is the Globalized Economy a Ponzi Scheme?"
- The inbound Third World savings are spent, not invested. Check
- Developed world debt is an ever-growing liability with no collateralized asset. Check
- Legacy debts are serviced with new inbound cash flows aka. Ponzi borrowing. Check
- First in (developed world) get paid. Last in (Third world) get nothing. Check
- The "system" requires ever-more payors (aka. "growth"), or it will collapse. Check
- The entire scheme is run by Bernie Madoffs. Check.
- For some unknown reason, the vast majority are oblivious. Check.
Hits by month (this is the highest month, last October was inflated by spam bots)
I started this blog in late 2006, and yet the 2008 financial crisis doesn't even register below. All of my rantings about illegal aliens buying $750k McMansions zero down, lost in the sands of time...
I started this blog in late 2006, and yet the 2008 financial crisis doesn't even register below. All of my rantings about illegal aliens buying $750k McMansions zero down, lost in the sands of time...
All time top Posts:
1) BTFATH: Of course, what else, advice on the latest Chinese internet IPOs...
2) Another Glimpse Into the Future: The Hollowing out of the Techonomy by multinationals
3) Buy the Fucking Collapse: "Advice" on how best to position one's assets for bludgeoning
4) Brave New World: The Developed World's Faustian Bargain aka. Debt
5) Ponzinomics@Peak Leverage: What to do while waiting for the economy to float back from China
6) How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Profit from the Demise of Ponzi Capitalism
7) This Time Will Be Different: A reminder that nothing has changed since 2008
8) Skynet Will Detonate Financial Deathstar 2.0
Other recurring notables:
Statistically speaking, out of 7 billion people, the number of people who have figured out that Globalization is a late stage ponzi scheme, is the limit approaching zero.
The new Sodom and Gomorrah has failed the test. Unlike 2008, this time around there will be no re-test.