(en) Brazil, N?cleo Anarquista Resist?ncia Cabana NARC - Puxirum #1 - Who's afraid of Anarchism? (pt)

In today's world, anywhere the planet, there is no stability economic, political and 
social. We want mean that capitalism, even with all its technological advancement, it is 
not able to solve the evils that attack humanity such as hunger, poverty, repression, 
racial prejudice and gender inequality and income. by the Otherwise, we affirm that the 
problems listed have always been part of the logic capitalist, an oppressive system, 
repressor, unequal and discriminatory. ---- In Europe, the cradle of capitalism modern, 
the crisis is everywhere. The Most countries provide indicators quite worrying 
unemployment. Spain and Greece need at all moment, being bailed out by the Union European. 
On the east side of that continent, dotting dissatisfaction against remaining regimes of 
the former USSR, as is the case of Ukraine, demonstrating the as otherwise required is 
social organization.

In Latin America we have something
different as the need to combat
against capitalism, which is the false idea
that capitalism directed by said parties
Popular solves the problems of poverty
and inequality. But the revolts
indigenous and popular in Brazil, the revolts
Venezuela and indigenous uprising in
Mexico, are examples that we Latin
Americans do not believe these
reformers alternatives that
feature. Rather, we propose
resistance and struggle as the best alternative
for the people. In today's world, in
anywhere, it is important that we are the
protagonist of our own destiny.

Brazil, this year, will have many
moments to show our
dissatisfaction and our willingness to
struggles, the only alternative for people
show their organizational capacity
demand better living conditions through
more effective public policies and the
same time, forcing employers to
increase the wages of workers.
The principle of direct effect, people can
ask the improvement of their living conditions,
denying participation in the elections this
year, since they will never solve
our problems, because only
anesthetize our needs for
better living conditions. the
organized popular movements can
exercise a power of very strong pressure
but it must become
truly autonomous before
reformist parties, which will be
involved up to his neck with the election
this year.

With respect to the World Cup, the
popular movements need
demonstrate that this event
FIFA does not serve the multinational
interests of the neediest of
favelas, the slums, and all the people
Brazilian, because the billions of dollars that
were spent in the construction of stadiums,
very well could be invested in
construction of schools, hospitals and
sanitation, elements
fundamental for better conditions
life for our people. Fight
bourgeois elections ; protest
World Cup ; fight for the free pass and
improvements in their mobility
urban ; fight for the right to housing, urban
or rural ; fight alongside the resistance
indigenous and maroon ; fight against Belo
Monte ; fight against homophobia, fight for
women's rights; combat racism ;
fight the Nazis and fascist ideas ;
fight for a plate of food ; Finally, all
these struggles are rights that our people
has been developing for centuries. And not
will these reformers partidinhos,
concerned with positions in the executive and
legislative, or will this media
reactionary or bourgeois sectors of this
country, which will tolir us and get us this right
since when we exercise
settlers arrived here, and until
Today, still here. Rather than fight,
should this year and support
solidarity with all those fighters
people. Regardless of ideology, this
year of fights where there is a member of
our class fighting the bosses and their
signers system, we should
extend our support because, above all,
belong to the same class. From north to
south of the country, we will not accept intimidation
no conservative and elitist sector
society. We're talking about the rights of
people, the right to go to the streets and
raise our flags and banners.

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