Tuesday 18:30 EST: Had a family emergency today .... my 88 year old mom fell down last night injuring her hip and fracturing her wrist. Blogging will return when everything settles down. And to my regular readers who know that I was planning to take my first vacation in 3 years this Friday .... that is going to happen some other time.
Update Wednesday 18:30 EST: We all had a big scare on Tuesday. Fortunately .... she did not break her hip, and we have been told that she could go back home Thursday morning. A special thanks to the doctors, nurses, and staff at St. Mary's Hospital in Montreal for the fantastic care that they gave to my mom.
Also .... a special thanks to all of you .... the readers of this blog .... who have commented and/or sent me via email your kind comments and concerns. Thanks again.
As for Wars News Updates .... I have been putting aside a number of interesting and informative news stories for the past two days. If everything goes well .... I should be back to blogging Thursday evening and posting all of these news stories.
Because of my mother's accident .... I will also not be going on vacation next week .... so blogging will not be interrupted as originally planned. Sighhh .... the vineyards of Sonoma and Napa (California) will have to wait for another time.