6 universities /institutions - U.S., U.K., Germany, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, downloaded recent articles of the researcher at Moscow University, on environmental science, ecology, water:
key words: environmental science, ecology, water,U.S., U.K., Germany, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, downloaded, Bangor University,
key words: environmental science, ecology, water,U.S., U.K., Germany, Russia, Mexico, Argentina, downloaded, Bangor University,
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg,

Researcher from Mexico
University of Guadalajara
1 day ago

Researcher from Argentina
Universidad Nacional del Sur
3 days ago

Thomas Schmidt
Harlan Laboratories Inc.
4 days ago

Anatoly Inozemtsev
Lomonosov Moscow State University
4 days ago

Gabriela Kluck
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
5 days ago

Researcher from United Kingdom
Bangor University
6 days ago
Full-text downloads
Full-text requests
Additional information on some of the downloaded papers:
Short list, top useful posts, links, environmental science, ecology, water, explanation of novelty:http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/05/short-list-top-useful-posts-links.html
innovation: Ecosystem health and water pollution control: studying water self-purification. Explanation of novelty:Some recent posts:May 11-15, posts, environmental science,ecology, water, with links, web-pages, online, downloads, citation, voted up, bookmarked, self-purification, explanation of use of the results:
Lots of articles that were downloaded recently in U.S., U.K., Germany, Japan, China, and other countries...:
List of 60+ top articles: ecology, biology, environment, water quality improvement; this post is among 5 most viewed online posts during 2010-2014:http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/63-steps-to-new-ecology-updated-to-66.html
Why is it vital? Answering urgent environmental challenges. Explanation of novelty in some relevant innovative publications,
Tags: water pollution,synthetic surfactants, detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants,ecology, environmental science,
Who cited. Citation of the publications (Moscow State Univ.), Fulbright Award winner. In: Germany, Italy, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Portugal, U.S.A., Russian Federation, Netherlands, China, France, Australia, Greece, Israel, New Zealand, South Korea, Hungary, Poland, Mexico, Turkey, Philippines, Chile, Uruguay,Key words: Citation, ecology, environmental, science, protection, toxicity, water, safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, detergents, surfactants, filter-feeders, bivalves, mollusca, plant seedlings, phytoremediation, conservation, biology, biomembranes, membranes, bioenergetics:
key words:posts, environmental science,ecology, water, with links, web-pages, online, downloads, citation, voted up, bookmarked, self-purification, explanation**
Tags: water pollution,synthetic surfactants, detergents, Biological Effects of Surfactants,ecology, environmental science,
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