Wounded Mayor Is Both Colorful And Powerful, Loved And Loathed -- New York Times
KHARKIV, Ukraine — Fed up with the lifeless and unflattering photographs taken of him by press photographers, Gennady A. Kernes, the mayor of Kharkiv, decided to take matters into his own hands.
He and his staff created an Instagram account that presented Mr. Kernes the way he wanted to be seen: flexing shirtless in the gym, cuddling some of his 27 dogs and assorted birds and other animals, and bathing in an ice-cold nature preserve as he flashed a trademark peace sign.
He was running during his cross-fit training regimen in a city park on Monday when a would-be assassin’s bullet tore through his chest, missing his heart by millimeters and leaving Mr. Kernes fighting for his life at a hospital. He survived surgery but remained unconscious and in critical condition Monday night. No arrests were made.
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My Comment: Who was responsible for this assassination attempt? .... it all depends on who you ask. Supporters of the interim Ukraine government blame Russian separatists .... Russian separatists blame Ukrainian nationalists. Even the western media does not know how to respond to this news story .... some blame one side, others blame the other side. As to what is my take .... I suspect that we will never know the answer. Mayor Gennady A. Kernes had many enemies .... and on both sides. But I do know that he was always loyal to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, and when Yanukovich fled the country Mayor Kernes also fled with him fearing that he would be arrested by the interim Ukraine government. If he was afraid of Russia .... why flee to Russia? The answer is simple .... he did not fear Russia, he fled to Russia because they protected him .... the people that he was/is afraid of are the ones who are running the interim government of Ukraine today. But as I said before .... in the mess that is known as Ukraine today .... we will probably never really know 100% on who ordered this hit.