UAE Announces 3 More MERS-CoV Cases


@WHO Twitter feed this morning.


# 8478


The World Health Organization telegraphed this announcement  earlier this morning (see tweet graphic above), and I expect we’ll get more information from a GAR DON update in short order, but in the meantime we have this report from KUNA – the Kuwait News Agency.


All three cases are apparently asymptomatic contacts of a previous case, discovered during the epidemiological investigation. Hopefully the next WHO update will help unravel the particulars. 

I’ve checked the Abu Dhabi Health Authority’s website, but so far no announcement has been posted.



Emirates announces the discovery of three new cases of HIV (Corona) in Abu Dhabi

15/04/2014 | 05:42  |

ABU DHABI - 15-4 (KUNA) - The Health Authority in Abu Dhabi, here today the discovery of three new cases of HIV (Corona) that causes Acquired Middle East respiratory in Abu Dhabi through medical examinations for Mkhaltin for patients.

Authority said in a press release that the new cases do not showing any symptoms and enjoy good health, saying that the general health status of the path of the virus (Corona) in the country are assured not to worry.

Added that he observed through the follow-up similar cases earlier found no any symptoms that people getting rid of the virus self during the period between 10 and 14 days but is keep them in the hospital and preventive during this period.

The Commission called upon all citizens and residents to adhere to guidelines of public health to reduce the spread of flu and respiratory infections infectious Kalmdaoma to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or disinfectant other, especially after coughing or sneezing, and before and after handling foods and use handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with it.

Showed It has coordinated with the Ministry of Health and health authorities and stakeholders in the United Arab Emirates to take precautionary measures necessary necessary and in accordance with the recommendations of the scientific and conditions and criteria adopted by the World Health Organization, noting that the health authorities all working around the clock to monitor and control the general health status. (end) p PSC

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