Saudi MOH Announces 5 More MERS Cases In Jeddah (1 Fatality)




# 8479


The Saudi Ministry of Health has announced another 5 MERS cases from Jeddah today, including one death.  Three of the cases are described as Health Care Workers, and of those, two are asymptomatic. 


Today’s announcement moves the Jeddah cluster to more than 30 cases, and if local Arabic press reports are to believed, there may be more announcements coming.


Health: 5 registered cases of HIV (Corona) in Jeddah


In the context of the work of epidemiological investigation and ongoing follow-up carried out by the Ministry of Health for the virus, "Corona" that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East MERS CoV Ministry announces the registration of five cases of HIV infection in Jeddah.

The first resident at the age of 30 years old, has been recovered.

The second citizen at the age of 59 years has passed away may he rest in peace.

The third resident works the domain of health at the age of 64 years, and his condition is stable.

The fourth and fifth Mqimitan working field of health, namely the same age (27 years), and not have the symptoms.

Have been checked 200 samples during the recent period, has proved passivity except as stated above.

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