Poll Results: How often should Corrie be broadcast each week?

Last week I blogged a poll asking you to vote on how often you think Coronation Street should be broadcast each week. I now have the results! 

My own personal view is that Corrie is on too many times each week. Rather than five episodes a week, which must surely put so much pressure on cast, crew and writers, I'd rather see the powers that be pull it back to three episodes. Back in the day the viewing public found an hour of Weatherfield life each week perfectly adequate, however judging by the poll results you don't agree!

Thank you very much to the 451 of you who voted in this poll. The results are as follows:

In first place with 231 votes was the preference for Corrie to be shown five times a week, continuing as it is. That's over half the total votes, so a pretty convincing winner! Second with 130 votes was my preference, three times a week. 50 of you would like to see four instalments of Corrie drama each week, 27 people opted for twice a week and people only once. Surprisingly (or maybe not), 11 blog readers voted for Coronation Street not to be broadcast at all!

As always, I'm interested to hear what you think of the outcome to this poll. I can't see ITV deciding to broadcast less of Corrie anytime in the future as the revenue our favourite soap generates must be huge. 

So what do you think, are you surprised by the results? Post your comments below or tell me what you think on Twitter - I'm @GraemeN82 

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