Piketty is no Marxist

Please don't be deceived by the American media treatment of the Piketty book. Read the book for yourself.  He is no Marxist.  In fact, he is a typical liberal (social democrat as they call them in Europe) anti-Marxist.  He wants a reform of capitalism and he fiercely opposes anti-capitalist ideologies.  He said in his book: "I was vaccinated for life against the conventional but lazy rhetoric of anticapitalism, some of which simply ignored the historic failure of Communism and much of which turned its back on the intellectual means necessary to push beyond it.  I have no interest in denouncing inequality or capitalism per se--especially since social inequalities are not in themselves a problem as long as they are justified." Piketty said that he met the "American dream" because he landed a job in Boston after earning his PhD--kid you not.  Also, remember that he served as an adviser to the lousy Socialist Party of France, which is indistinguishable now in its economic policies (and foreign policies) from the Democratic Party of the US.  And remember that Hillary Clinton was commonly referred to as a socialist in the US, as Obama was referred to as a Marxist. Don't let the hype influence you. 

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