Jeddah MERS Cluster Grows By 6 More Cases



# 8480


Barely 12 hours after their last announcement (see Saudi MOH Announces 5 More MERS Cases In Jeddah (1 Fatality)), the Saudi MOH has announced an additional 6 cases in the Jeddah cluster – again including a fatality.


Since the Saudi MOH doesn’t provide us with onset dates, dates of discovery, or dates of lab confirmation - we don’t have a good handle on how `fresh’  these cases are; whether they are all newly discovered, or whether some have `been on the books’  for days and are just now being publically acknowledged.


As some announced cases have been ill long enough to progress to the point of being critically ill, or have already died, it seems likely that some of these cases may have been infected two weeks or longer ago.


All of which makes it impossible to gauge whether this cluster is picking up momentum, has stabilized, or is winding down.


None of today’s cases are listed as asymptomatic, although 4 are listed as in `stable’ condition. Once again, we see healthcare workers (n=2) among the cases, which raises the question of the effectiveness of – and the employee’s compliance with – standard infection control protocols in this facility. 


Today’s announcement doesn’t answer any of these questions, but does serve to raise the total number of cases in this cluster (by my count, which may be faulty) to 38.  Of course, the day is young, and that number is subject to change.



Health: Registration 6 cases of infection (Corona) new in Jeddah


In the context of the work of epidemiological investigation and ongoing follow-up carried out by the Ministry of Health for the virus, "Corona" that causes respiratory syndrome Middle East MERS CoV Ministry announces the registration of six cases of HIV infection in Jeddah.

The first citizen at the age of 54 years, and intensive care receiving treatment.

The second citizen at the age of 52 years has passed away may he rest in peace.

And the third to a resident at the age of 41 years old, and his condition is stable.

And the fourth to a resident at the age of 54 years and his condition is stable.

The fifth citizen working field of health and at the age of 28 years and his condition is stable.

The sixth resident works the domain of health and at the age of 35 years and his condition is stable.

Have been checked 200 samples have demonstrated passivity except as stated above.

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