It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (April 21, 2014)

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

It’s Monday!  What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I had a great week last week. My friend and I went to a book signing at The Red Balloon. I got to meet Deb Coletti and buy her newest book for our media center. I haven't read her books but am eager to give them a try when I finally get my review stack under control. I have so many YA May releases that I am spreading them out between both my blogs. My adult books are just going to have to wait!

This coming week will be busier. I have a townhouse association meeting Monday evening, a book signing in St. Paul on Tuesday evening, and a school committee meeting on Thursday evening. I also need to find time to watch The Voice on my computer since I'll be missing both shows this week.

I'm glad I could get some extra reading in because of our one-day Spring Break on Friday. Easter was a great reading day too because I decided not to travel this weekend and am just nesting in at home.

Read Last Week
I read Project Paper Doll: The Hunt by Stacey Kade and enjoyed this second book in the Project Paper Doll series. It had lots of action. My review is here. The book will be released on April 22.

The Taking by Kimberly Derting was also an excellent science fiction story that begins a trilogy. My review will be posted on April 24. This book will be released on April 29.
Foolish Games by Tracy Solheim was an engaging sports romance. I enjoyed it. My review is here. This book was from my TBR stack.

The Wizard's Promise by Cassandra Rose Clarke was an engaging fantasy novel. My review will be posted on April 26. This book will be released on May 6.
Nick and Tesla's Secret Agent Gadget Battle by Bob Pflugfelder and Steve Hockensmith is the third book in this middle grade mystery series. I liked the story and I like that there are directions for projects for young scientists to do. My review will be posted on April 24.

Who Needs Enemies by Keri Arthur is from my TBR mountain. This urban fantasy novel begins a new series and features a half elf, half siren as the main character. I enjoyed the character, the story, and the world Arthur created. My review will be posted on April 26.
A Creature of Moonlight by debut author Rebecca Hahn was an amazing fantasy. I loved the world and really loved the main character. I am so excited that I will get a chance to meet the author on May 9 at The Red Balloon. My review will be posted on May 1.

I am currently reading Royally Lost by Angie Stanton which is a cute contemporary romance. It will be released on May 6.

Next Week
These two are the last of my seven May 6 releases.

Monument 14: Savage Drift by Emmy Laybourne finishes the Monument 14 post-apocalyptic series. She is also part of the Fierce Reads tour I'll be meeting in June.

The Falconer by Elizabeth May sounds like an amazing combination of historical fiction, steampunk, and paranormal. I got this one from LibraryThing and it has been on my wishlist since I first heard about it. 
These three begin my five May 13 releases.

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart has been getting lots of buzz. It sounds intriguing. I got the eARC from NetGalley.

Second Star by Alyssa B. Sheinmel was one of the books sent to me from Macmillan.

Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer sounded like a gritty contemporary. I requested it from NetGalley.
The Queen of the Tearling by Erikan Johansen doesn't release until July but I need to read it soon to stay in good standing at the Amazon Vine program. It sounds like a wonderful fantasy.

Reviews Posted

Something cool happened this week. Tracy Solheim saw my Friday post when I spotlighted Foolish Games and asked me if I would like a copy of the next book in the series. I quickly said yes. I can't wait to read that story!

How was your week? What do you have planned for this one?

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