Help! Is it ok to wait for my baby daddy to leave his fiancée?

Hi, I'm one of your regular blog readers and I comment most times. I have a problem and I need advice from your blog readers. I'm at a crossroad now and don't know ‎​what decision to take.I met this guy late 2011. Made a mistake by having sex with him on our first date. It resulted into pregnancy. He never wanted the baby because he wasn't ready financially. I refused to abort. Pregnancy wasn't smooth because of my refusal to abort but I still carried on.I gave birth to my son Nov 2012. March 2013, he came to me and said he couldn't continue with the relationship.

He said he would send money 4rm time to time for the upkeep of our son which most times, I'll have to drag and beg for the money. He met another lady almost immediately and they were planning to get married but he couldn't make up his mind because according to him he was scared. He kept on coming back to me.January this year, he said he wants us to come back together. He wants us to be united as a family. he's bin begging since den till now. Last week,I asked about his fiancée, he said I should give him time to sort tins out with her. I told him he can't eat his cake and have it.

He has to choose who he really wants to be with between both of us. He said I should be patient. I still have feelings for him. Will it be wrong to give him time as he asked? I'm really confused.

I need advices nt abuses. I knw I've made series of mistakes so don't make it harder by condemning me. Thanks a million
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