(en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) Lyon - Courant Alternatif, CA #239 - IMF COMES WHEN VISITING THE BASQUE COUNTRY ... (fr, pt)

March 3, held in Bilbao, capital of Bizkaia (Basque), the first "Global Forum Spain", 
organized by the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX). The Forum brought together 
those they and their accomplices who impose austerity measures causing insecurity, poverty 
and ever-increasing inequalities. Reception at Bilbao guilty of the enormous deterioration 
of the economic and social situation in Spain and the Basque Country could be experienced 
as a huge challenge. Holding this Forum has sparked protests and a few targeted 
degradation ... variously appreciated. ---- Skewer makers at the Guggenheim Museum ---- 
The forum was presented as the first major meeting in economic and international dimension 
in Spain; others will be held afterwards regularly in other cities in the state. The theme 
was "stability to growth." There was debate between political, economic and financial 
leaders of the growth prospects of the Spanish and European economy.

An impressive VIP was received at the Guggenheim Museum building presented as a symbol of 
successful architectural and social restructuring Bilbao: the King of Spain, Juan Carlos I 
in person, the Spanish Prime Minister Rajoy (People's Party) several of his ministers 
(economy, finances), President of the Basque Government, Urkullu (GNP Basque Nationalist 
Party), ambassadors; the IMF Managing Director Lagarde, President of the Eurogroup, three 
Commissioners, the Secretary General of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation 
and Development), the President of the EIB (European Investment Bank); and of course the 
big bosses, especially the CEOs of four of the largest Spanish and Basque companies: 
Telef?nica, BBVA (the Bank), Inditex (textile) and Iberdrola (electricity and gas) ...

For the occasion, Bilbao was crisscrossed by imposing police: 1000 cops between Ertzaintza 
(Basque Government Police), National Police, Guardia Civil and local police. The early 
hours of the morning, several helicopters turned over the Biscay capital and dozens of 
vans Ertzainta closely followed the demonstrators.

Two events in very different climate

Both events were called separately, which is explained by the long-standing division 
between unions, due to identity and national conflict references (Spain / Basque Country) 
as well as different ways of designing forms, contents and objectives of social struggles 
and trade (1).

On Sunday, March 2, a call to protest was launched by the unions CCOO (Workers 
'Commissions), UGT (General Workers Union) and USO (Workers' Trade Union), which joined 
the PS Euskadi, and the ETUC (European Trade Union Confederation) supported. The theme 
"Austerity stop-the IMF get the hell! ' 2000 people marched.'s Speech officials of these 
unions, bosses of large companies are reported as pressure groups on governments, the 
latter being presented as constrained and forced to act on the direction of these lobbies 
and not not as state relay working in complicity with the perpetuation of the system.

Monday, March 3, at the same time as holding the Guggenheim Forum, a new event was held, 
this time called by the Gune platform - driven by the majority ELA and LAB abertzale 
unions and attended by a fifty Social Organization (2). EH Bildu, independence left 
coalition, also supported this event.

In the afternoon a series of lectures and discussions was scheduled at the University, a 
sort of alternative to the official forum, and another 19h event. The procession of 
thousands of demonstrators crossed the bourgeois districts of Bilbao shouting "Troika go 
home", "The street belongs to us, not the Troika", "IMF thieves out of here." On the 
course of the event, groups of hooded people smashed the windows of a hotel and luxury 
shops (on the Zara store - clothing chain owned by Inditex, was bulging "Bangladesh 
gogoan" ("In Thinking of Bangladesh "), in reference to labor that multinational 
overexploited in this Asian country). There was throwing paint and stones on bank branches 
as BBVA and Banco Santander, participants of the Forum. Some cars were overturned (one of 
the local police), fire was set to containers.

The afternoon incidents continued in the Old Quarter.

The organizers have finally suspended the 250 meters event before the scheduled end of his 
career, requiring police unions ELA and LAB they guarantee that there would be no other 
incidents ... so holding, otherwise , responsible. Unions have denounced "the decision of 
the Basque Government to change course and to impose impossible conditions to be fulfilled."

Despite this suspension, hundreds of people have continued to demonstrate, with the flags 
of the CNT, the CSLP (Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain), anti-TGV and some LAB and 
ELA. Blocking access to Euskadi place by a hundred policemen has increased the anger of 
protesters. The sirens are mixed with whistles to songs of resistance and cries launched 
against the Basque Government, the Ertzaintza, the bank and the IMF: "We do not want and 
did not need them!" Riot police Ertzainta repeatedly instructed but also had back at times.

During the day, seven people, mostly young, were arrested, charged with damage and public 
disorder and then released; 50 were subjected to identity checks.

Denunciations against the "violence" of the "hooded-es"

In a joint statement, PNB, PSE and PP vehemently condemned and the perpetrators of the 
incidents emphasis they call the "anti-system". "It was a violent attack against organized 
and orchestrated the whole city." "Its shops, its hospitality, its furniture, its services 
and citizens in general have suffered very serious damage" "to the prejudice created by 
the damage and the temporary closure of schools adds an image of violence and destruction 
that door prejudice to the internationalization of Bilbao and its businesses work, as well 
as tourism. " For those parties pimps, it is clear that the country must provide a smooth 
and peaceful image to have the best chance to sell; no matter that the 400 guest-es Forum 
have cost much more expensive than some damage in the streets of Bilbao; no question 
considered insulting provocation the arrival of these makers whose actions have destroyed 
6 million jobs in 5 years, helped to save the guilty part of the crisis banks, and dive 
more and more people in insecurity and poverty.

For its part, the Secretary of Institutional Relations of GNP Koldo Mediavilla, made 
strong by assigning the "vandalism" groups "social misfits", which exist everywhere, he 
said, but who have bathed in Euskadi " broth higher culture 'with the violence of ETA. It 
is not only to establish a historical connection between the incidents current street and 
past the armed struggle or kale Borroka ("street fight") actions. But it is useful for GNP 
to raise the specter of the return of "violent actions in the streets, when they had 
virtually disappeared, he said since the end of the activity of ETA army" to tarnish an 
independent left who competes. Besides this, in a context where it seeks to provide an 
image of greater acceptability and politico-institutional recognition, is brought to steer 
clear of street actions and more generally illegal actions, making more rhyme "peaceful 
and democratic way" with respect legalism. Besides the bill "Citizen Security", adopted in 
November 2013 by the Spanish Government at a time of extreme weakness and discredit the 
regime in power, creates a whole range of offenses and sanctions (heavy fines, penalties 
prison) to limit the freedoms of expression, assembly and demonstration and criminalize 
social protest movements (3). What encourages attitudes and publicly making speeches, say, 

Abertzale the left stand incidents Street

Clearly seen with EH Bildu coalition. Obviously, this party did not sign the statement 
quoted above, refusing to contextualize so grossly events. "What is to highlight and which 
is fundamental is what happened to the Guggenheim, the Troika - the" elite "financial and 
economic responsibility for the current violation of social and labor rights, came to tell 
us what we had to do, and what we had to do was to continue to carry forward the policies 
that generate poverty. " However, if Bildu would not condemn the actions committed in the 
sidelines of the event directly, he made remarks very timid, saying "do not consider 
themselves responsible for what happened," recalling that he had "The choice to act 
according peaceful and democratic means and that it was these tracks that were basically 
borrowed during the event" The incidents that occurred in the margin of the procession.

It is with similar accents, for their part, unions ELA and LAB, on behalf of the platform 
Gune, communicated the afternoon in the amphitheater where they held conferences and 
debates, they "clearly d?marquaient incidents": "The legal manifestation which we called 
was used by foreign persons to purposes other than those that we defend." This is also 
where they announced the cancellation of the event scheduled for tonight. Of the 400 
people present, fifty left the room expressing their disagreement with the positions taken 
by the organizers.

A showcase forum for the Spanish government

Meanwhile, the Forum took place, away from demonstrators. This is the People's Party who 
insisted that the Forum "Spain" to be held in Bilbao, with the support of GNP. A way for 
the ruling party in Madrid the separatist cause fiber Euskadi; but above all, a few months 
before the European elections, to shirk its responsibility of austerity measures by hiding 
behind the exhortations of major international makers.

This forum used to it: to stage the institutional support and some multinational austerity 
policies imposed by the Troika, distribute good points to the Spanish and Basque 
governments, rent their efforts and "courage" to have pursued policies austerity presented 
as essential and impose new "recommendations" to continued and strengthened the policy 
even profitable to capitalist interests.

Rajoy may well believe that the thesis of his government is accredited: that the Spanish 
economy has passed the worst, she is on the right track, but positive signs already ahead 
thanks to measures taken - then they produce increasingly negative effects on employment 
(the unemployment rate is over 25%, more than 50% among young people) and the conditions 
of work and life - and must continue and, as recommended by the European and international 
political and financial institutions.

Spain is goodwill but could do better ...

It is a unique language held within the Forum: the Spanish economy grows, certainly, but 
much remains to be done to achieve full recovery and the fight against unemployment. 
"Growth continues to be too low and unemployment too high to declare that the crisis is 
overcome," said Lagarde.

Director of the IMF, in particular, has played its role giving lessons distributing good 
and bad marks: "There's good news and others who could be better", "there is room for do 
better "... She praised the" brave reforms "already completed and among others the Spanish 
program to help banks, which in his opinion was" well thought out and applied. " She 
defended and held the orthodox discourse of international response to the crisis the 
authorities, and with shameless cynicism: "The scars of the crisis in Spain and in other 
countries in Europe, will take years to heal, which is why must continue economic reforms 
to maintain the current trend change "obtained" through the great actions of the past five 
years. " It recommends a series of measures: we must continue to reform the labor market, 
deepen "laborale" reform (which is summarized by more precarious working conditions and 
benefits for employers) (4), and reduce restructure corporate debt, reduce premiums and 
employer taxes, develop the productive by helping new businesses to locate, pursue 
rigorous sanitation banks, expand the "free trade" in different regions of Spain , reduce 
social spending, adjust salaries, liberalize services ...

In summary, the IMF and the OECD have come to Bilbao always impose more 'homework' and 
anti-social reforms to the Spanish government. To oppose the popular resistance will they 
more united and more cohesive than in the March 3 in Bilbao?

Basque Country, March 11, 2014

1 - The main Spanish trade unions CCOO and UGT have signed most of the reforms on 
collective bargaining on pensions, the labor code ...

2 - Other unions participating in the platform Gune, the anarcho-syndicalist CGT and CNT, 
STEE-EILS (Union of Education Workers), ESK (Convergence of unionism left), Hiru ( 
transport union) and the peasant union EHNE, founding member of La Via Campesina.

3 - From Trash to fire laser directed onto a train driver or subway or an airplane pilot, 
through wearing a hood or a scarf hiding his face in case of violence, the refusal entrust 
his identity card to a police officer (which prevents the check that it is not 
counterfeit), the law specifically identifies over fifty cases related to crimes.

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