Currents 4.2.14

Currently Eating...

Breakfast: Pancakes
Lunch: Cheeseburger, fries and a Chai Tea  Ampersand in Paddington Cafe & Bookstore and Coffee & Hazelnut from Gelato Messina (I also ate the rest of Carolina's Italian Nougat & Tiramisu) I highly recommend both Ampersand and Gelato Messina if you are ever in Australia!
Supper: We ate at the Nude Cafe and we basically shared all of our food with each other again another place you have to try when you go to Australia!

Currently Snacking on...

I'm not snacking on this at the moment however this was snack.... Yum....

The top dome of this cake is filled with Dr Evil gelato (dark chocolate gelato, peanut cookies and dulce de leche) and is topped with layers of vanilla cream, chocolate sponge, a red ganache, and white chocolate buttons to finish. The stalk is filled with dulce de leche caramel surrounded by dark chocolate gelato. The whole mushroom sits upon ‘grass’ made from popping candy and crushed biscuit.
Madame bought each one of us one of these!

Currently Drinking...


Currently Baking...


Currently Wearing...

Currently Wearing Make Up...

Mascara - Benefits Yes They're Real Mascara 

Currently Wearing Nail Polish...

Fingernails: French Manicure

Currently Wearing Scent...

Currently Wearing Hairstyle...


Currently Burning...


Currently Using in My Wash Room...

Bath: N/A

Currently On My "To Do" List...

Sign up for classes
Organize guest rooms upstairs
Pick out home-school curriculum

Currently Feeling Emotionally & Physically...

Emotionally: Restless
Physically: Pretty good

Currently Interested in News Story...

Currently Watching....

Golden Girls: Not Another Monday

Currently Listening To....

Shania Twain, AC/DC, Luke Bryan

Currently Reading....

Forbidden, um took a break from this and I'm reading Hook's Pan again

Currently Loving...

My incredible fiance

Currently Anxious About...

Jessica's nephew
Many small little things too

Currently Blessed By....

I have the most amazing caring friends!

Currently Excited About...

Going home!
Seeing the surprise Vin has for me.
Going to the A Day Game!!!
Getting kisses from m
Getting to hold Mike Jeaux!!!!

Currently Lusting After....


Currently Buying....

Vega Protein, Pre, Post and All in 1

Currently Playing...


Currently Loving Apps...

iPhone: Yelp and Starbucks
iPad: Blogger

Currently Crocheting, Sewing, or Knitting...

I am over half way finished with my rug!

Currently Teaching...

Nothing but I'm ready to be teaching again.

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