White Dog and The White Dog Army
Wonderful World Wednesday
White Dog believes that two- and four-leggeds go to extraordinary lengths as they rise to meet challenges that strike out of nowhere to cause devastation and disaster. It is that instinctive drive to want to help, to be there for those in catastrophic need that continually gives The White Dog Army hope.
The world continues to look on in horror as the folks in Washington state dig the community of Oso out of an apocalyptic mudslide that left scores of humans and animals missing, homes lost, hundreds isolated without basics. Despite still tenuous conditions, more rainy weather, and passing time no one is giving up and walking away. The responders from all across the country work tirelessly to the point of exhaustion and support continues to pour in both in the rescue attempts and in crises therapy assistance..
The WDA thinks every effort is heroic and deserves recognition. We pray that rescues continue and losses are recouped quickly. We ask the Universe that no creature be left forgotten and unmourned under tons of earth.
We give special thanks for the amazing dedication and skills of our furred brothers and sisters on-site who are making an awesome difference in the rescue and healing processes. Please join us in prayers and gratitude.
Rescue Dogs Play Vital Role In Washington Mudslide Search
CP | By The Associated Press Posted: 03/31/2014 10:49 am EDT | Updated: 03/31/2014 10:59 am EDT ASSOCIATED PRESS
A search dog waits to be washed by the feet of Washington National Guardsmen after working the debris field created by the mudslide near Oso, Wash.
Rescue crews in Snohomish County said Sunday that many of the dogs that have been essential in the search for mudslide victims will take a two-day break.
Days of sniffing through cold, soupy mud and nearly nonstop rain have taken their toll on the animals, and officials say dogs can lose their sensing ability if they work too long.
Crews are still working to recover more victims from the soggy pile of mud that buried part of the small mountainside community of Oso in Washington state more than a week ago.
"The conditions on the slide field are difficult, so this is just a time to take care of the dogs," said Kris Rietmann, lead spokeswoman for the team working on the eastern portion of the slide.
Dogs from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, more recent arrivals on the scene, will continue working, said Heidi Amrine, another spokeswoman for the operation.
Searchers have had to contend with treacherous conditions, including septic tanks, gasoline and propane containers.
When rescuers and search dogs leave, they're hosed off by hazardous materials crews stationed at the edges of the debris field.
Authorities have said they have recovered more than two dozen bodies, but they won't be added to the official tally, which stood at 18 on Sunday, until formal identifications are made.
Underscoring the difficulty of identifying those killed in one of the deadliest landslides in U.S. history, officials said the search dogs are not always discovering complete remains.