Useful to scientists, researchers, professors, students, professionals. Online free. Areas of science: ecology, environmental sciences, ecotoxicology, water science, limnology, biological oceanography, hydrobiology, algology, zoology of invertebrate animals, plant science, marine biology, freshwater biology, conservation biology.

Useful to scientists, researchers, professors, students, professionals. Online free. Areas of science: ecology, environmental sciences, ecotoxicology, water science, limnology, biological oceanography, hydrobiology, algology, zoology of invertebrate animals, plant science, marine biology, freshwater biology, conservation biology.

also, a more condensed text of this blog post: 

One of useful innovations: a new step to a better understanding of the relevant issue of environmental safety, water safety and sustainability: see the post:
Water quality and aquatic ecosystems. Common mistake in ecosystem health assessment; explanation of the mistake, and how to correct this mistake:

New  relevant posts on environmental science, ecology, water, protection of environment.
March 1-14, 2014; 115 new blog posts, environmental science:

220 Articles available at ResearchGate: Innovation...

128 posts, environmental, February 2014, 128 blog posts online on the most relevant issues of ecology, environmental sciences, water science, protection of the environment:

Concise summary of scientific results.
Discoveries, innovations in ecology, environmental, water sciences:

Recent downloads from web, Updated: March 15, 2014...:

On the book ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’, m...:

This online publication was liked. Environmental s...:

updated: Full texts of 100+ publications. Environm...:

Downloads: Attention, interest attracted. These un...:

Downloads, most used, Environment sci. Most recent...:

Публикации 2013, 2012, 2011, экология, науки об ок...:

17 new citations of publications on ecology, envir...:

20 most cited publications, ecology, environmental...:

Most viewed. Environmental science, new, ecology, ... :

Häufige Fehler bei der Beurteilung der Gesundheit ... :

In German. On a new citation. Mitteilung von Inter...:

in French. New citation. Notification à partir d'I...:

Notification from Internet, new citation, article ... :

Independent Internet user liked this. (Environment...:

In Dutch, key words: sleutelwoorden, tags voor de...:

In Chinese: key words: 键词标签为的一系列重要科学出版物 态学环境...:

In Japanese: key words: 重要な科学的出版物のシリーズのためのキーワード、タグ... :

In Swedish: nyckelord, taggar för rad viktiga vete...
In Spanish: palabras clave, etiquetas para la seri...
Schlüsselworte, Tags für die Reihe von wichtigen ...
Parole chiave, tag per la serie di importanti pub...
écologie, sciences de l'environnement: mots clés, ...
Papers on water self-purification. The key words, ...
INNOVATIVE article: On the biotic self-purificatio...
key words, tags for the series of important scient...
Ecosystem health assessment: Common mistake in aqu...
Publications which discovered, demonstrated and e...
930 views during 24 h, March 11, Environmental sci...
Short list of recent posts on citation of articles...
files, links, enviro. sci. at
Full texts of some publications. Environmental sc...
Improved format of the post. Many files. Environme...
Many files. Environmental science, toxicology, aqu...
Cited these publications on environmental science,...
Environmental sci.: Recent new and updated posts.
The list of recent blog posts on environmental sci...
2014, March. Online, 73 useful links, blog posts, ...

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