Review of article: The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere. Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk (2003), V.73, No.3, p. 232-238; Author of the article: S. A. Ostroumov; [Publisher: Moskva : Nauka]; Russian title of the paper: О функциях живого вещества в биосфере [O funktsiyakh zhivogo veshchestva v biosphere];

Review of the article: The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere. -  Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk (2003), Vol. 73,  No.  3, p. 232-238;   Author of the article:               S. A. Ostroumov;   [Publisher: Moskva : Nauka]; The Russian title of the paper: О функциях живого вещества в биосфере [O funktsiyakh zhivogo veshchestva v biosphere];

This review was published at the web site of the best, biggest international library catalog, WorldCat.

This article is a good example of  a continuation of the studies of the issues of the science of the biosphere which were initiated in Russia by the prominent scientist, a father of biogeochemistry, Vladimir I. Vernadsky.
These are some examples of innovations in this paper. A new definition of pheromones (pp. 232-233). New concepts were formulated: ecological chemomediators , ecological chemoregulators (p. 233 ) , environmental chemoeffectors( p.234 ) . The new concept of what the author called “the block - level approach” to the analysis of environmental hazard of anthropogenic impact on the biota (p. 236). It is shown that in Russia, one dollar of GDP corresponds to 0.23-0.35 dollars worth of fresh water withdrawn from the hydrosphere . It is estimated that the filtering activity of bivalves on the bottom area of 600 m2 corresponds to a man-made technical device that filters water which cost $ 6,700. Examples are presented of  how to apply the level - block approach to the analysis of the environmental hazards of anthropogenic impact on the biota , as exemplified by pollution of water bodies .
This article is highly recommended to all researchers who are writing a review paper on related issues or are seeking fresh ideas  in science.
The author of this publication is a Fulbright Award-winning scientist at M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (the best university in Russia and a significant part of Eurasia), Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, who authored and co-authored two successful books on environmental sciences, ecotoxicology, and protection of environment, namely Biological Effects of Surfactants, and Conservation of Living Nature: Problems, Trends, Prospects.

This useful publication is a part of the series of insightful publications – ecology, environmental science – with substantial innovation. New facts, fresh insight, productive ideas. Full texts are available free. Internet services provide the helpful information, and the full texts or links. E.g., see:

The evidence of merit of these scientific results is the citation of publications of this author, in the U.S., Europe and worldwide, see:
This is a short summary of some innovations in this paper, in Russian language:
Остроумов С.А. О функциях живого вещества в биосфере // Вестник РАН. 2003.  Т. 73. № 3. С.232-238, табл. Библиогр. 18 назв. Портр.  Дано новое определение феромонов (с. 232-233). Даны новые понятия: экологических хемомедиаторов, экологических хеморегуляторов (с. 233), экологических хемоэффекторов (с.234). Новая концепция уровне-блочного подхода к анализу экологической опасности антропогенных нарушений биоты (с. 236). Показано, что одному доллару ВВП России соответствует 0.23-0.35 долларов стоимости пресной воды, изъятой из гидросферы. Подсчитано, что фильтрационная активность моллюсков на участке дна площадью 600 м2 соответствует фильтровальной установке стоимостью 6700 долл. Приведена концепция уровне-блочного подхода к анализу экологической опасности антропогенных нарушений биоты, в том числе загрязнения водных объектов.
KEY WORDS: biosphere , Vernadsky V.I., pheromones, ecological chemomediators , ecological chemoregulators, aquatic,   environmental,   ecosystems,   ecology,   water, water quality,   ecosystem,      self-purification,   bivalves,  pollution, hydrobiology,  detergents,   biological,   safety,   marine,  hazards,   freshwater,   ecotoxicology,   science,  innovations,   mussels,   biota,   Mytilus ,  pollutants,    filter-feeders 

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